Some of you may be wondering just who "hubby" is. Does he have a name? What does he do? Etc. Etc. Hang tight, and we will get there.
After work I went for a drink and ended up staying at the pub until 8:00!
Since it got so late we ordered dinner. This was unplanned and I didn't have a camera with me.
I had 2 Caesars, about 12 pieces of calamari, and 1/2 a veggie quesadilla. I didn't eat much because I was busy chatting away with friends. I might make a green monster tonight for some veggies, as I didn't get anywhere near enough today!
The Hubby
On the blog I usually refer to my husband as "The Hubby." He does in fact have a name, believe it or not!! We like to call him Chris :-)
He is my best friend, my soul mate, and my love. This is a picture of us waiting in the airport together for our flight to Mexico 2 years ago:

This is Chris being goofy in Vegas (I surprised him with a trip for our anniversary this year):
Chris works at a very successful Structural Engineering Firm as a structural technologist. He does a whole bunch of things on the computer that I do not understand. He likes his job, but if I had to do it for even one day, I would cry. I seriously cried in drafting in high school ... a structural engineering firm is not the environment for me!!
Amber had this great quiz on her blog that inspired this post ... so here are my answers to the quiz about "Us" (Chris and Myself).
What are your middle names?
Jolene is actually one of my middle names, but I have gone by it since I was 7. My other middle name is Catherine, and my first name is Marie. Chris's middle name is Leigh.
How long have you been together?
Since 1999! This year was our anniversary of 10 years together, and 5 years married! We were married on July 23, 2004.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We knew eachother for about 10 months before we started dating.
Who asked whom out?
He asked me out ... many times ... finally I said "yes."
How old are each of you?
I am 27, and he is 28.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
We probably see my sister the most ... because we just use her to get to our adorable little nephew :-) JJ, Leah. You are cool too. And Sal. Cool.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Renovations. No more explanation needed.
Did you go to the same school?
Nope, but were were high school sweethearts. I went to his grad, and he came to mine! We did go to the same university though.
Are you from the same home town?
Who is smarter?
This is impossible to determine. When it comes to memory, and academic stuff, me ... but when it comes to lots of other things ... him. Like I said, I couldn't do his job. It is too hard for me.
Who is the most sensitive?
Me I suppose.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Probably Korea house lately.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Who has the craziest exes?
Neither of us.
Who has the worst temper?
Me. But he has tamed it. A bit.
Who does the cooking?
We both do!! I probably do it more often though. He has been amazing over the last couple months having dinner ready for me as I finally dragged myself in after a long long day at work and school.
Who is the neat-freak?
Him maybe.
Who is more stubborn?
Who hogs the bed?
Hehe. I am going to say him. I will hear about this tomorrow!!!!
Who wakes up earlier?
Where was your first date?
I can't remember - isn't that bad! We went on "dates" as friends before we were even dating ... so I don't really know.
Who is more jealous?
Me ... but I don't ever get jealous about anything ... I would just be the one more likely to.
How long did it take to get serious?
Not long ... we knew we were meant to be :-)
Who eats more?
He does.
Who does the laundry?
He does.
Who’s better with the computer?
Depends. He is better at the technical stuff, and I am better at social aspect and searching stuff. He will probably argue that one too - zip it honey :-)
Who drives when you are together?
He always does. I don't like to drive unless I am in the car alone. I am easily distracted.
~ Choose a few questions and answer in the comment section for you and your significant other ~
i love your comment about him doing things on the computer at work that you dont understand-i feel the same way about my fiance's job!
i think teachers are a good match with people who are technical (engineers, economists, etc)...
and i will say to "who has the craziest exs"
ME hands down!
He does the laundry? Man, you snagged a good man! :D
And finally get to "meet" the wonderful Chris! Yay!
Cute post! My boyfriend DEFINITELY hogs the bed, but I hog the covers...
I love to see how you've been craving the nut butters because I've been putting them on basically anything i can think of lately :)
I will still refer to him as EFH (everyday foodie hubby). :) He's a cutie!! I was gonna eventually ask you all those questions but you beat me to it with this post! BTW I heart Korean food.
You guys seem like a great couple :)
Awww thanks for playing along it was fun to learn all these great facts about you and your hubby! You guys have been together a long time! That is awesome :)
Awwh that's so cute!! I love great love stories!! :) You guys look great together too!!
From someone who knows these two quite well I can attest to the fact that they are indeed a great couple with a very happy marriage. I love having couple-dates with you two! Your marriage is an inspiration to us...
Aw great post.. you guys look wonderful together!
We both do the laundry (joint effort) and have been together for over 5 yrs.. married only 4 months though. Hes def smarter than me.. Im not saying im dumb, but he is incredibly intelligent. He gets things that confuse me to no end :)
Have a super weekend :)
You guys are adorable together. I loved your hair long!
Um...Mike is more technically smarter, I'm better at linguistics and random trivia!
I do the laundry because I'm scared of the consequences if I don't!
this post was SO sweet! i loved reading about your hubby! it sounds like yall are so compatable. so cute :)
I'm currently single...
But you and your hubby seem to have such a beautiful relationship! I hope to have one just as loving and strong in my future.
Until then I will enjoy being in my 20s and living in NYC!! : )
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