s it just me, or is time really flying by these days?
I swear we just had a weekend, and now it is almost Thursday. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE weekends - but
I just hope that all of life doesn't pass by this quickly.As a kid every moment seemed to last an eternity, like time was frozen around our excitement, our delight, our anticipation. As I get older it seems as though time is speeding up, while I am left behind wondering where it all went, and what I was doing while life was happening. What happened to all the BIG plans I had for January, and February? How is it nearly March?
Wasn't Christmas just last week?
Maybe it is because I don't feel like I have accomplished a lot over these past couple months.
Maybe it is because this is the first semester of my life that I have not been in school, and I don't know what to do with myself. I don't know what Jolene the "non-student" does. The only other time I have not been a student is occasionally in the summer - but that is a lot different than not being a student in the winter. In the summer there is so much to do, and I am on "Vacation."
But THIS is not a vacation. This is my life.
Maybe it is because the hubby and I just went to see "Tuesdays with Morrie" at the live theater, and it got me thinking.
Whatever it is, I am thinking about it.
What about you? Does time get away on you?I had a little extra time this morning, so I made a lovely
breakfast of scrambled
eggs and toast with homemade oatmeal bread. I covered the eggs in hot sauce. Nothing like a good kick in the morning to get you going!

(Looks like ketchup, but its
Sriracha. I just use the stuff like ketchup!!!)
I will spare you the photos of my
lunch because although it was excellent, the photos are unappetizing. I had left over
fajita mixture on some
rice. I also had an
orange and some

This evening was a
date night for the hubby and I. We went for dinner to
Moxies, where I had a
Bellini (I'm sure it is Friday somewhere. No? Ah well.)
I also had a
burger with
sweet potato fries.
It was GINORMOUS. I didn't eat it all, don't worry!

Speaking of time ...
why the heck did it take people SO long to discover the wonder that is sweet potato fries!!!!???? They definitely were not around when I was a kid.
Now is the time for my answer to yesterday's 6 Lies and 1 Truth:1) Brushing my teeth with warm water disgusts me. TRUE!!!!!
2) I have issues with people touching my hair. False, I like this.
3) I have never baked a cake in my life. False, I have many times.
4) I have never thrown up. False, I always throw up. Check
this post. And
this.5) Onions don't make me cry. False, I bawl.
6) I can write equally well with both hands. False, I am a lefty.
7) I had an extra toe when I was born. False, unless my mother is hiding something.
I loved all your guesses!
Don't forget to enter my giveaway!!!
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