ollowing with a very popular blogging trend, I have opened the lines of anonymous communication with an "Ask Me Anything" feature.
Have a (friendly) question for me that you want to ask anonymously? Click here to do so, and I will share some Q and A with you all as the questions come in. Just be sure to click on the anonymous box if you want to remain anonymous!
It is finally starting to warm up in Regina, and I can sense that spring is not too far away - just the idea of it is making me giddy! I cannot wait to start doing the C25K (couch to 5k) program again. I didn't make it very far this fall, as it started to get too cold. The second the snow starts to melt I am getting my running shoes on! It is so foreign to me to be excited about running, but for some reason I really, really want to run.
Are you a runner? If so, what do you love about it? Did you love it right away? Were you good at it from the start or did you suck like I do now? :-)
My eats this morning were simple, but delicious (and very carb-laden now that I look at the pics). Breakfast was a lovely bowl of banana and coffee oats topped with almond butter and maple flakes:
The maple flakes are SO good. I am not a huge fan of maple flavour typically, but I love these. They add a little crunch too.
Lunch was leftover spaghetti and meatballs, and an orange:
My water bottle is SO dented (from dropping it constantly) that people at work were making fun of it. Hehe. One of them said it looked melted. I don't think you can melt metal that easily, but who knows. It does get HOT in Regina in the summer time.
For dinner I made chicken chow mein:
I plan on having some fruit or veggies as a snack and curling up with the hubby to watch some American Idol! I just love that Ellen is the new judge!!
Got a question for me?
I'm so excited the SK weather is warming up too! I can't wait to start running again! I completed the Couch to 5k before but once I finished it, I just kinda stopped because I didn't have a goal anymore!
It'll be nice when it starts getting lighter earlier too because I like to run before work. I'm usually too exhausted after work to want to go running.
I can't wait to read about you doing the Couch to 5k this time around!
Maple flakes?? I've never heard of such a thing but it sounds good!
I love running :D I didn't like it at first. It was just another way to stay in shape. But it seriously starts to grow on you and now I have "running withdrawls"
i am NOT a runner, though i made myself try to be for a while, and it just wasn't good for me! haha my water bottle is all dinged up too, but i still love it! the print on yours is great, very cute
Hey thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!
I'm with you on the warmer weather. I'm tired of this cold stuff. Running on a treadmill gets boring real fast!
banana and coffee oats? What a great combination!!! I will have to give that one a try for sure!!!
My water bottles get so dented up too, I swear it adds character! It's warming up here too and I'm so excited. I am a sunny weather girl at heart.
Thanks for stopping by Jolene. I like the fact that running is cheap and burns fat quicker than walking. Hope to start again March 1st.
girl you're brave with the ask me thingey...I am scared to do those b/c god only knows what people will ask LOL
i'm telling you now, follow a training program. I didn't. I went from couch to 6 miles straight in a month and a half...then got a stress fracture. I'm currently bound to an elliptical machine. You will get addicted to your running progress. this I promise you.
I've never had chicken chow mein - I'll have to look up a recipe because yours looks so yummy!
I do love running and have been doing it since high school and I'm pretty sure I still run at the same, slow pace - but find that when I try and get competitive I don't enjoy it anymore...so for me, it's about keeping it as fun and enjoyable as possible, even if I'm not winning any awards :)
I'm not a runner, but I'm trying! I like the challenge of running a lot, but I'm not great at it.
My water bottle is majorly dented too!
I am definitely a runner and I have been since I was 13! It's definitely easier now than it was then, but I've always loved it!
I used to hate running... I really wanted to love it but my body didn't want to hear it! And then the stars aligned and I got the right shoes and I haven't looked back since - i'm hooked!
Hope the program works out well for you :)
i'm ready for the snow to melt as well!! running outside is SO much better than the treadmill!
the chicken chow mein looks SO good...homemade?
haha if i ever get a metal water bottle i'll give you a run for your money on crazy dents. i drop things allll the time.
Glad to hear it's warming up over there! It's been FREAKISHLY warm in BC lately!!! Even now that I'm up north it's SO warm compared to what it's usually like this time of year!!
I am addicted to taking Emergen-c when I feel the first signs of sickness. They work like a charm for me, every time. Also rest and drinking mucho h20 is key.
Oh and about your running, I totally sucked when I started. Couldn't run more than 2 minutes (this past summer) Now, I am training for my first half :)
I am hoping Saskatoon will warm up soon too, i am sick and tired of treadmill running.
i'm just getting into this running thing, end of 2009 I started. Its hard, i can't seem to break 3 miles.. but i think it has a lot to do with boredom at the gym and working out alone. Too bad your in Regina! we wouldve been able to run together, since we're both beginners.
Your meals look FANTASTIC! Coffee oats.. I need to try that!
As for running... ah, my love. I really do love it. But it wasn't always like that. I used to be one of those people who thought runners were insane. Out of their minds. Why torture yourself like that? And I tried it in the past and it never was fun for me and I was never good at it. But I tried it again and something clicked... was i good at it at first? no. I sucked. The day I could run a mile was one of the happiest days of my life. Running is not just a form of cardio for me, it's how I de-stress, it's my me time. It gives me confidence and makes me appreciate my body's strength and what it can do. And I also love it because you can see yourself progress. You can see your times improve and your distance. I'm better at endurance than speed but I'd love to work on my speed - which is another point, you can constantly challenge yourself and work on improving! And you can do it anywhere if you have shoes and a place to run!
Great timing: I had an outpatient surgery on Tuesday and the nurse commented on my heartrate and asked if I was a runner. I have been running 3-4 miles every other day. I do other forms of cardio and some resistance 3 days each week. I just can't bring myself to say I'm a runner yet...maybe when I get to double digit long runs...
No sweet tooth? You're killing me!
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