I want to thank everyone again for the wonderful tips and advice about my running - I feel motivated to go give it another try. The comment that I got today from Anais was such a great piece of advice:
"I think you will enjoy it when you will start to amaze yourself - like "woah, I just ran a 5k!!" or "woah - I just ran for more than 5 minutes at a time for the first time!~". That's when it really started being fun for me :)
Also, when you start to run just to run - not necessarily because it's time to run or whatever - that's when I find it really enjoyable :) Maybe one day go for a run without following a specific plan and just walk when you want and run when you want :) "
Thank you Anais. Why did I not ever think of doing this?!! Such a simple idea, but it just might be genius. This week I am going to go on a run without a plan, not as part of my training requirements ... no distance, or time in mind. I am just going to run because I want to. I will run when I feel like it and walk when I feel like it with no guilt, no stress, and no worry. I LOVE this advice.
I was MIA Friday night and Saturday as the hubby and I went to Saskatoon to visit my mom. She is on the waitlist for rehab, which could help her build some strength if she is willing and able to participate. We are pretty certain that she will be going to a long-term care home, as it is just not safe for her to be on her own anymore (she has very limited mobility).
I had a great day at work on Friday. Lunch was a chicken sub from Subway, some yogurt and a piece of cheese. After work I had a couple Guinness, and dinner was pizza! For breakfast on Saturday I had 2 pancakes. We had a quick lunch in Saskatoon at Edo Japan, and I had the Sukiyaki Beef with rice and veggies. Dinner was a chicken sub and some poutine (sorry no pics ... too much on my mind & forgot my camera).
Saturday night I had a few bevvies, and went out dancing with some friends. It was nice to be able to relax - the whole situation with my mom is very stressful.
Breakfast this morning was an egg muffin with 1 piece of cheddar cheese:

Mmm, I love me a runny egg.
The hubby ran a sprint triathlon this morning, and we went out for lunch after to Earls. I had the Hunan Kung Pao:

Dinner at the in laws was ham and scalloped potatoes with cream corn:

Do you enjoy dancing? What kind of music do you like to dance to?
I LOVE dancing. I prefer to dance to hip-hop or R&B, especially the old school stuff! Ginuwine anyone?
"I think you will enjoy it when you will start to amaze yourself - like "woah, I just ran a 5k!!" or "woah - I just ran for more than 5 minutes at a time for the first time!~". That's when it really started being fun for me :)
Also, when you start to run just to run - not necessarily because it's time to run or whatever - that's when I find it really enjoyable :) Maybe one day go for a run without following a specific plan and just walk when you want and run when you want :) "
Thank you Anais. Why did I not ever think of doing this?!! Such a simple idea, but it just might be genius. This week I am going to go on a run without a plan, not as part of my training requirements ... no distance, or time in mind. I am just going to run because I want to. I will run when I feel like it and walk when I feel like it with no guilt, no stress, and no worry. I LOVE this advice.
I was MIA Friday night and Saturday as the hubby and I went to Saskatoon to visit my mom. She is on the waitlist for rehab, which could help her build some strength if she is willing and able to participate. We are pretty certain that she will be going to a long-term care home, as it is just not safe for her to be on her own anymore (she has very limited mobility).
I had a great day at work on Friday. Lunch was a chicken sub from Subway, some yogurt and a piece of cheese. After work I had a couple Guinness, and dinner was pizza! For breakfast on Saturday I had 2 pancakes. We had a quick lunch in Saskatoon at Edo Japan, and I had the Sukiyaki Beef with rice and veggies. Dinner was a chicken sub and some poutine (sorry no pics ... too much on my mind & forgot my camera).
Saturday night I had a few bevvies, and went out dancing with some friends. It was nice to be able to relax - the whole situation with my mom is very stressful.
Breakfast this morning was an egg muffin with 1 piece of cheddar cheese:
Mmm, I love me a runny egg.
The hubby ran a sprint triathlon this morning, and we went out for lunch after to Earls. I had the Hunan Kung Pao:
Dinner at the in laws was ham and scalloped potatoes with cream corn:
Do you enjoy dancing? What kind of music do you like to dance to?
I LOVE dancing. I prefer to dance to hip-hop or R&B, especially the old school stuff! Ginuwine anyone?
Girl- you had me at Ginuine! I love dancing, mostly R&B and I also love salsa although I just pretend to do it!
I love your plan to just go with the flow- I find that if I plan too much, I rebel!
Anais is so wise! What great words of advice! :-)
I don't really enjoy dancing that much, and I mean the disco dancing. Loud music and squishing bodies...ew. But I like dancing in general...I've always wanted to learn hip hop and jazz!
I haven't danced since high school. Don't plan on it anytime soon either.
So what was the hubby's time?
i'm just starting to get back into running after a MANY year hiatus and i have to admit that it was quite intimidating at first. now i'm just running when i want to and i find that the more i run, the more i want to! funny how that works out. and i celebrate the small thigns like running for the duration of a song on my iPod lol! not exactly a marathon but we've gotta crawl before we can walk right? i love dance...i'm going to do ballet at school again in the fall!
I love dancing too! I guess for me Hip Hop, or R&B is the kinda music I love to dance to. Something with a heavy beat.
that really is great running advice -can't wait to hear how it goes for you!
i love dancing!!! Especially to hip hop...I dunno about the old school stuff. ;) But anais did give great advice..if you are FORCING yourself to do x amount of running then you'll dread it. How did your hubby do in his tri?
I love dancing! We all went out dancing at Fitbloggin and it was so fun. Definitely got down to some Gaga and Kesha, oh and Lil' Wayne :)
I'm glad you got to have that fun night, I can imagine how stressed you must me. I hope everything works out.
And congrats to the Hubby on the tri!
LOVE kung pao. my fav restaurant has kung pao tofu! addicting!!
i just noticed how everytime company comes over.. usually family related.. we make ham. is it a coincidence.. hmm.
LOVE dancing!! omg!! especially to hip hop.. urban.. reggae.. and pop of course.
I love dancing, especially if it's something I can really get into! I'm a fan of the older songs like you woul dhear at a wedding. They always seem to put me in a fun mood!
Genuwine!! I love the song Pony that he sings...extremely dirty..I know..but I love the beat! I used to love school dances because seriously, dancing is such a good workout!
Now that I have graduated though I have yet to go to a club and dance. I did dance at my wedding!!
I lovvvvvvvvvvvvve dancing!! It's been forever, but it's so much fun!
Hope everything works out with your mom. Sometimes I think those long term care places are good, because it gives them a chance to be social too. :)
Your blog always makes me so hungry. Always looks absolutely delicious!
I think that was great running advice too, and I think it's true! I have been running on Saturdays and Sundays only, and slowly I am achieving longer distances and going faster. Once you realize that you are improving, it feels so good. Personally I find the beginning of the run is the hardest, but once you push your self past the part where you want to quit and walk, i get such a high (I think that's what "runners high" is) and I want to keep going forever. Good luck with your running!
Saskatoon sounds like a nice place! I have never been there, but will be going there for a wedding this August! Do you have any suggestions for places that I should see while I am there?
I love to go dancing, but I haven't since college!
I'm glad your mom is doing a bit better and I hope everything works out!!!
I like to dance but I'm AWFUL at it!
creamed corn is so goood, one moment on the lips. I love that stuff. I was thinking about an egg muffin, after my coworker mentioned her stop at McD's this morning,I need to pick some muffins up at the store.
Yum..I love egg sammies :)
I was a dancer for a great portion of my life lol...I actually don't like the *club style* of dancing. But the *art* of dancing..I do like! Tap is my favorite!
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