fter a long weekend outside in the cold, wind and rain, I only wanted one thing for breakfast this morning - Oatmeal!!

When I headed out for work this morning I realized that it was still cold and rainy.
It better be nicer tomorrow (Wednesday) because I will be outside all day for track.
Lunch today was 2 slices of toast, edamame & 1/2 an orange.
I also had a small handful of tortilla chips dipped in cheese.
Dinner was mushroom soup with a grilled apple and cheddar sandwich:
It better be nicer tomorrow (Wednesday) because I will be outside all day for track.
Lunch today was 2 slices of toast, edamame & 1/2 an orange.
I also had a small handful of tortilla chips dipped in cheese.
Dinner was mushroom soup with a grilled apple and cheddar sandwich:

Re-Cap Regarding my Mom:
About 5 weeks ago my mom went into the hospital. She has MS and is not doing well, especially with her mobility. She has been in the hospital since then, and last week the doctors recommended that she go to a long-term care home. When this recommendation was made, my mom was not happy, and was insisting that she was going to go back to her apartment. The doctors informed me that she would have the final decision in this matter. This scared me to death. If she went home, I would not be able to sleep at night.
This was very stressful for me and my other family members, as we knew that my mom needed to be somewhere with more care.
On Friday I went to visit her, and I spent the entire day letting her know how I felt about the situation, and asking her to make the right decision and to trust me, and her other family to know what is best for her. By the end of the day, she had given me verbal confirmation that she would move to a long-term home.
By Sunday, she was saying she wanted to go to her apartment again. I had to go over everything I had discussed with her on Friday, again and again.
This morning the social worker told me that she would need my mom's written consent. I panicked. My mom is very stubborn (understandably) and I worried that she would not sign. I stressed about this all day, until 4:15 when I received word that she had signed the papers, no problem. I feel so relieved to know that my mom will be going to a long-term care home where she will have people to help her 24 hours a day if needed. It is very hard to have to see this happen, but I know it is the safest, and therefore only option.
She will be in the hospital until a room at a care home comes available.
I am so very thankful that she signed the papers, and that I don't have to worry about her going home alone. So thankful.
What are you thankful for today?
I'm glad your mom chose to stay somewhere that she can have help when needed. That really is a huge relief for you I bet. Today I am thankful for my hubs. He just loves me unconditionally, and I'll never understand why!!
that is such good news, your mom will be given all the help she needs to be able to be treated with dignity in a safe environment!and no one should ever have to be alone, so happy to hear the news!
today was an oatmeal day for me too, and weatherwise, pretty crappy as well!
im thankful for... hmm.. long term weather forcasts that claim hot weather is coming.. keeps me hopeful lol
night night :)
I can imagine it was tough for your mom as she was signing away her freedom in a way. Sometimes takes some time to accept such a situation. Glad it worked out in the end and hope she does well in her new home when she finally gets there!
Hi Jolene,
You are a wonderful daughter. My heart goes out to you- I hope everything is OK and your mom settles in at the home.
I'm thankful for my health and for my family today. And for having a tummy full of fresh veggies and chocolate :)
I'm so sorry about your mom. I am glad you are feeling less stressed but it still has to be rough. Thinking of you~
When my Opa was very sick, we ran into the same problems. We wanted him to go somewhere to be cared for, but it was a struggle just to get him to go into the hospital after he blacked out and couldn't stand afterward for hours and needed medical attention. We even had to get the police involved a couple times, to see if they could somehow convince him. I understand how he felt, but every time something happened, and even in the spans waiting for the next something, it was so hard - on everyone, including Opa. I'm sorry for what your Mom, you and your family are going through.. I hope that she feels safe and happy in her new place.
I think giving up her INDEPENDENCE is what hurt her the most..the realization of that. :( But I'm happy to see she finally made a decision right for HER and her family. I'm thankful that your family will be fine and that I have my health.
wow, thank you so much for sharing about your mom - I hope your family is doing okay with this process. Today I am thankful for my health, my husband, family, friends and job!
I'm praying for your mom. I'm thankful for the sunshine today.
Wow, that's a lot to take on. Hugs to you. I'm glad to hear that she made the right decision after all. I'm having a bad morning, but after reading that, I'm thankful that my parents are both in good health.
Wow Jolene, I really feel for you. I'm glad that your mom decided to go to long term care and I hope she'll make the best out of the situation. MS is such a tough disease on the sufferer.
So glad that your mom will now be well taken care of..In the end it is the best/only option!
I'm glad to hear that things are working out as best they can Jolene. You're in my thoughts.
I'm so glad your mom made the right decision. Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers since this whole thing started. I'm glad it looks like you may be able to relax for a bit.
Today I am thankful for coffee.... lots of coffee...
You're such a loving daughter. I would feel SO uneasy if my mom was sick and had to live alone, too. Your mom sounds like an independent, strong lady to me. I'm sorry she didn't get what she wanted, but hopefully she starts to adjust to the long-term care home and love it there, too.
I am thankful for the fact that I get to be friends with someone who is such caring wonderful person! Love ya and am thinking of you...
Praying for you and your family. You are such a wonderful daughter for being there for your mom. She's so lucky to have you! Lots of love!
Oh boy! I'm sorry to hear all the stuff with your mom was stressing you out so badly! I'm glad it got sorted out though and can feel confident that your mom is in good care!
I'm so glad your mom was able to make a decision that both you and her are comfortable with!
Omg my heart is breaking for your family right now..what a hard time! My bro in law has MS and I know some of the struggles you probably are facing. Hugs to you!
And you are so sweet to congratulate the winners in my contest..when you have all this going on in your world. wow.
I am thankful for kind, compassionate people like you :)
I am thankful for you as well...you are amazing and your family. I can only imagine...I worked in a LTC home recently and one of my patients had MS...she was 36 yeras old...she would say to me "Cause I want to get out of here one day"...her mom - in her 70's - lived there as well...it was all seniors and , well, dying, people there...when she said that to me - it broke my heart...because I knew it would not possible for her...
God bless you girl.
thank you for finding my blog, bc now i can read yourse :)
thinking of you and your mom, remember that everything happens for a reason, lovely lady
Jolene, I'm very glad to hear your mom made the decision to go into long term care. This must be so stressful for you, and my heart goes out to you and your family...your mom sounds like an incredibly strong woman!! That must be where you get it from :)
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