Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to School Giveaway

Well, it's that time.  For many, today was back-to-school day.  I don't think of January 1st as the start of a new year, but instead back-to-school time has always felt more like the start of a new year to me.  The best part about going back to school was always the back-to-school shopping.  When I was a kid, in addition to school supplies, I also got a few new outfits, shoes, a backpack, and a lunch kit.

As I got older, I started using plastic bags to carry my lunch; this is quite wasteful, as they get dirty, and I usually toss them out.  I was happy when the kind people at Dudley offered to send me a free lunch kit for the new year, and offered to give one to one of my readers!

The Fully Loaded Lunch kit is really durable, and it has a handle, which is great for someone like me who is always juggling about eight different things, while trying not to drop my lunch.

You can stand it upright or on it's back to make it easier to store in the crowded fridges in your school or workplace.

The inside lining helps to maintain temperature, and it's easy to clean.

There are also a few different pockets to put smaller snacks, utensils, condiments, etc..

The zippers are durable, and I could definitely see this kit lasting me a long time.  No more plastic bags for me!

Giveaway: The Fully Loaded Lunch kit from Dudley
  • Open to Canadian readers
  • One entry per person
  • Dudley will mail the winner their lunch kit (one (1) winner chosen by random draw)
  • Giveaway closes on Thursday, September 4th @ 11:59 p.m.
To enter: 

Just leave a comment telling me what you typically take to work/school for lunch!
(leave an email address too so that I can contact you if you win)


Kvedwards said...

My normal foodie day: a load of veg..homemade tzatziki or hummus to dip..nuts..apple slices..cheese...a lot of nibbling goes on all day! All those pockets would come in handy!! Karly.edwards@live.com

Unknown said...

I generally take leftovers!!

Unknown said...

My partner and I struggle to maintain the discipline of making lunches every day. Being near the plethora of food court options often leads to bad decisions. But when we do, we like to take sandwiches with artisan breads and foreign (to us) deli meats--keeps it interesting and easy to make the choice to bring a lunch.

We pair that with soups that we make up together with everything but the kitchen sink. Our favourite concoction so far has been curried turnip, cauliflower and carrot soup.

Sometimes we opt for the classic bologna on white wonder bread (cut into fun shapes with a cookie cutter, of course) with a pop and cheese string and WE LOVE IT!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jolene,
I am a stay at home mom now, so I don't pack lunches for myself. However, I do pack lunch for my 7yr.old and husband.
My son has a new lunch box, so I am hoping to win this for my hubby who also gets his lunch in various plastic bags.
I usually pack my hubby leftovers from dinner. So, he gets rice and chicken/beef stir fry or pasta or casseroles. I also pack some kind of veggie, fruit and yogurt. If there are no leftovers, which happens from time to time, he gets a sandwich.
Love your blog.
Take care.

l said...

I'm the worst with packing my lunch! I usually stick with a sandwich or bagel with some type of meat, or a good old peanut butter and jam haha. I never plan ahead the night before so I'm always rushed in the morning. :)

Jodi @ blog-o-licious said...

I take lunch to work almost every day. Mostly salad and a protein. Plus 2 baked eggs for a mid morning snack.


I have a picky eater at home. That is pretty much "nuff said" when it comes to school lunches!! Argh. So frustrating lol.

I try and get him to do peach cups, cheese, grapes and a sandwhich - but it is limited success most days.

summerdual AT gmail DOT com

vilmark said...

I normally try and take some cheese, crackers, fruit and maybe a pita wrap.

Shannon said...

Whoops! My email is Swansonshannon@gmail.com

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

Nice! I have a lunch bag but that one is much better than mine is! I usually bring a leftover soup or entree of some sort, a small salad, yogurt, and fruit.

Angie B said...

I used to get away without taking a lunch everyday because there was a cafeteria at work. My new job doesn't have one nor are there any restaurants nearby so I have to pack a lunch. I try to plan my suppers so there are enough leftovers to take for lunch because I am not a huge fan of sandwiches. If I do have to take a sandwich my go to options are egg salad or tuna. Lately I have been taking salads and adding protein to it-chicken, fish or beans. Thanks for a cool giveaway. Angandcolin(at)hotmail(dot)com