Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekend Things

We had a wonderful weekend!  On Friday afternoon Christopher went golfing with his brother, while I spent the afternoon visiting with Mel and Vicki over iced tea.  I picked up some packets from David's Tea.

You just pour 1 L of boiling water over the loose tea.  Let it steep for a long time (it won't get bitter, so an hour or so is fine).

Then strain it into another bowl, and pour it into desired container.

Finally, add 1 tray of ice cubes and let it chill in the fridge.

On Friday evening, we went out to the Western Pizza down the street for some lasagna and a visit with friends. 

Saturday morning began with a yummy breakfast:

We then got on the road toward Indian Head to check out the church/house.

On Saturday evening our pals Shauna & Ray had us and some other people over for a BBQ.  They BBQd a turkey, and it was absolutely perfect.

We visited in their gorgeous backyard and home had a bunch of snacks and munchies (forgot to photograph most of them).

We stole one of the legs and hid in the house so no one would know we were hoarding the dark meatIt's just what we do.

Many laughs, great conversations, and logs on the fire resulted in us being a couple of the last people to leave. 

Sunday was spent relaxing with movies, and juiced fruits and veggies.

We topped the weekend off with giant bowls of bee bim bop.

Not much is better than a summer weekend.

What did you get up to?


Unknown said...

I LOVE their backyard! Glad you took pictures for future reference for when I'm ready to do up my yard ;)

Lisa's Yarns said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend. That turkey looks so delicious! Love that you hoarded the turkey leg. Ha.

My weekend was great. I was busy preparing for the party I hosted on Saturday but it was such a fun night so was worth all of the work!

eat my blog! said...

You're heading to MTL! That's my old stompin' ground. You are going to eat SO MANY GOOD THINGS. True story: being vagrant college students, we never realized how good all of the food was - even at cheap take-out places - until we had a bad meal. 5 years into our Montreal time. We were all so offended that it was all we could talk about for days. A bad meal??!?!