Friday, July 25, 2014

Best of the Brownies Battle - Bust

I've been on the hunt for the best brownie recipe for a while.  I'll tell you right now, none of these are the best.  There are in fact lies on the internet.  Who knew!?  I chose three brownie recipes that all claimed to be the best.  Little did I know, they'd all turn out to taste pretty much exactly the same.  I undercooked all of them by a couple minutes, as I like my brownies a little raw.  I was disappointed that these were all very "cakey", which was not what I wanted.

All of these brownie recipes were fine, but none were amazing.  And the hunt continues!

Blogger confession:  Sometimes I measure out all of the ingredients ahead of time, and then pretend I'm on a cooking show.  Christopher asked if I talked like I was on the cooking show.  I told him to never mind ;-)

First up, Smitten Kitchen's Best Cocoa Brownies:

Next up, One Sweet Appetite's The Best Brownies:

Finally, All Recipes' Best Brownie Recipe:

The nice boys of the Screaming Daisies agreed to be my judges, and taste tested all the brownies.  Christopher, Donny, Scott and I all agreed that the brownies were very, very similar, but we thought that One Sweet Appetite's recipe was the best of the three.

Do you have a favourite brownie recipe?

1 comment:

Lisa's Yarns said...

Darn, they sure look delicious but that is a bummer that none of them were THE BEST. I have only made brownies from a mix because in general I don't do much 'from scratch' gluten free baking because it's a pain in the butt to buy all the different flours, etc. But the box brownies I have made are actually pretty good. I hope you find a recipe that you can say is THE BEST.