Monday, October 13, 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend

What a great long weekend!!  We had a fun time in the kitchen on Friday evening.  Breakfast on Saturday morning included scrambled eggs, sausages, potatoes, and delicious lattes.

Later in the afternoon we went over to friends Chris and Heather's house to meet their new puppy Terry.  He is so cute!! 

We all ordered some pizza from Juliana's Pizza, and it was fantastic!

On Sunday morning we had another leisurely breakfast, which included an omelet, potatoes and bacon.

This held us over until we got out to Indian Head later in the afternoon, for Thanksgiving dinner at Christopher's sister and brother-in-law's home.

The food was delicious, and the company even better.

Dessert was pavlova, one of the lightest, tastiest desserts ever! 

Christopher's mom brought a carrot cake to celebrate both Christopher's birthday and mine, which are both later this week.

It was the best carrot cake I've ever eaten.  Ever.

The best thing about this weekend, is that it's not over.  We're looking forward to a relaxing day at home today.

How was your Thanksgiving/ weekend?


thewiildmagnola said...

It is a pleasure to hear of happiness and gratitude, and to see happy people.

Indeed a great Thanksgiving.

Ours is in November. USA.

Lisa's Yarns said...

It looks like you are good at exercising restraint when it comes to portion size at Thanksgiving dinner - you should see what my plate usually looks like! And then I eat it all and pretty much instantly regret it. ;) I am glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving and get a chance to relax at home today!

My weekend was good. I had a friend visiting and we went to a book fair and got together with friends that night for dinner and trivia. I have today off as the markets are closed for Columbus Day so I've been getting things on my to do list done, which feels good.

suki said...

happy thanksgiving! ours isn't until November, but it never hurts to be grateful year-round. what an adorable pup!

Amber said...

I LOVE pavlova! I've only had it once or twice but it's so delicious and light. Looks like another amazing weekend full of delicious food. Your food pics never cease to amaze me - you eat so well!