Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Last night, a few hours after dinner, I had the munchies for something. I tried some grapes first, but that wasn't cutting it, so I had some cut up ham and a few slices of Gruyère cheese.

My little nephew slept over last night (so cute!!!). We woke up early this morning and had leftover wifesaver breakfast.

I had a glass of orange juice and a coffee with mine.

I was hungry for lunch by 11:00 since I had gotten up so early. I had leftover chicken meatballs, and cooked up some organic spinach pasta to go with. I tossed the pasta with a bit of olive oil and about a tblsp of cheese!

I ran about a million errands this afternoon, and felt the need for a little chocolate. I haven't had a chocolate bar (to myself anyway) in probably many years. I snagged a Skor bar at the grocery store, and it was AWESOME! I definitely need more chocolate in my life :-)

Off to pick the hubby up from work!!

1 comment:

Thinspired said...

Hi there! Thank you for commenting on my blog last week! You asked about the spinach smoothies...if you use fresh spinach (not frozen), you really can't taste it! It's such an easy way to get some greens in. Although your spinach pasta looks lovely, so maybe you can just do that! :)