eeing as it is the middle of the 6th month. I thought it would be a good time to review my goals for the year (10 in 2010) that I set in lieu of a New Years resolution. In case anyone was wondering, July 2nd is the actual middle of the year (182 days before, and 182 days after). I totally had to Google it!
Before I check up on my goals, here are my eats from yesterday:
Breakfast was a coconut crusted French toast, grilled banana sandwich!

Lunch was leftover won ton soup, an ice cream sundae, cherries, and a piece of cheese with a cracker.
In the afternoon I took my class bowling and to 7-11. I had an ice-cap.
It was my friend Tricia's b-day yesterday so I went to her house for pizza. We had Thai Pie, which has peanut sauce instead of tomato. Yummmmm!

I had a few drinks throughout the night, and had lots of fun catching up with friends.
Today the hubby and I are headed to Saskatoon/ Pike Lake to visit my mom, and for the hubby to do a triathlon.
Goals: Mid-Year Review
1) Learn to run - I did half of the C25K program and ran a 5 K race. Goal accomplished. I have decided that running isn't really for me. I can run, but my endurance isn't great. I don't plan on doing any other training plans in the near future, I will just run if the mood strikes.
2) Run a half marathon in September - This was a pretty lofty goal for someone who doesn't even like running. This won't be happening. FAIL!
3) Read books for fun - I have been doing this, and will continue to.
4) Find some system to organize my recipes - I haven't done this year, but I plan to do it before the end of the summer.
5) Travel to at least 2 new places (by plane) - I went to the Dominican over New Years, and then New York at Easter. I still want to fit another 1 or 2 trips in before 2011.
6) Get accepted into Grad School - Goal Accomplished!!!
7) Have dinner parties on a regular basis - I had a few earlier in the year, but I want to have many more this summer!
8) Learn to swim well - I went swimming with the hubby once or twice this year, and I can definitely swim, but I don't like swimming with my face in the water, and haven't got my breathing down properly. I will work on this in the summer.
9) Take some sort of class just for me - I am still looking into classes (I am thinking a cooking or yoga class possibly).
10) Post operation beautiful notes in as many places as I can - I haven't been doing this. I need to work on this one!
How are you doing on your New Years Resolution(s) or Goal(s)?
Don't forget to enter my $40 CSN Store Giveaway
Sounds like your doing pretty well on the goals if you ask me. I'm doing well with all but one.
First of all, your breakfast looks ridiculous in the best possible way!
I must say that I am goal-less, but I am going to finish my graduate degree by the end of the year, which is a great weight off my shoulders!
Good job on your goals! Yay for grad school and traveling!
You've done some pretty good work on those goals! Congratulations!
Wow, your french toast looks amazing! Congrats again on getting into grad school and your other goals!
Isn't it funny we both celebrated birthdays with Tricia's this weekend!
Um...i've traveled A TON but I've been really bad with my daily diet and self esteem!! I need to snap back to my healthy thinking!
I have not done so great on my resolutions. I really need to step it up!!
That pizza sounds so good! As does the French toast!
I love the idea of a mini check in!
that grilled nanner sammie..omg that looks amazing!
love the goals...swimming, keep practicing and you will achieve it (former lifeguard and scuba diver)! congrats on grad school! and of course the Op Beautiful are so sweet!
Sounds like you're doing well on your goals. Keep it up! Mine are going well too....the important ones anyways :-)
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