essert Cheese Ball
1 pack of cream cheese (you can use light)
1/2 cup softened butter
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup softened butter
1/4 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup icing sugar
2 T brown sugar
3/4 cup mini chocolate chips
Cream together the first 3 ingredients, then slowly add in the rest and stir well. Line a bowl with plastic wrap and fill with the mixture to make it round (like a cheeseball). Put on a platter and serve with sliced strawberries! It is also great with pineapple, Teddy Grahams, Animal Crackers etc..

This is SURE to be a hit! Warning: It is very addictive.
Giveaway Winner:
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The winner of the $40 CSN Credit is Debbie from Suburb Sanity! Congrats Debbie! The people from CSN stores will email you a code to enter for $40 off at the checkout of CSN Stores!
Today was officially my last day of work for the summer! I had to go in and clean up my classroom a bit, but we were done by 11:30 a.m.
Breakfast was egg in a hole (1 egg, 1 slice of bread) and a glass of OJ:

The winner of the $40 CSN Credit is Debbie from Suburb Sanity! Congrats Debbie! The people from CSN stores will email you a code to enter for $40 off at the checkout of CSN Stores!
Today was officially my last day of work for the summer! I had to go in and clean up my classroom a bit, but we were done by 11:30 a.m.
Breakfast was egg in a hole (1 egg, 1 slice of bread) and a glass of OJ:

I also had a about 4 strawberries with the cheese ball spread.
Lunch was a pulled pork sandwich (about 1/2), 1/4 cup baked beans, and 1/2 cup seafood salad. I also had 1 beer and a fudgesicle.
Dinner was leftover pasta:

This evening I went to a games night with friends. I had 2 drinks throughout the evening, and an ounce of goat cheese with a few rice crackers when I got home.
It feels so good to know that I don't have to get up for work in the morning :-) Just one of the perks of being a teacher!
Who was your favourite teacher, and why? What do you miss most about elementary school? High school? University? What is your best/ worst memory from school? Did you love school, or hate it?
My favorite teacher was my 11th grade English teacher. She was an older lady who treated all her students as if they were her children. She would keep a stash of granola bars and candy in case we were hungry in the mornings, yet she was stern and would push us hard when it came to schoolwork.
I definitely miss RECESS the most back in the days of elementary school. There's nothing like stretching the legs and getting all that balled up energy out in the middle of the day.
That treat you made looks really good... so good in fact, and RIGHT up my alley for bad treats, that I can never have it. I'll just have to enjoy it via digital photo.
now that i'm working, I miss the vacation that school comes with...real life is just...different..different stress and lifestyle!
oh my, that cheeseball looks dangerously good!
My boss makes that spread for a dessert potluck we do at Christmas (yes dessert potluck = tummy aches). I do not miss college at all! My fave teacher of all time was my kindergarten teacher. She was also a neighbor and her daughter babysat my sister and me.
My favorite teachers was my 8th grade teacher. She was so inspiring and cared so much about every one of her students.
That cheese ball thing looks so so good!! Mmm I wish I had another party to make it for haha.
Ummm that sounds VERY delicious!! I love rich things like that.
i love that your recipe says icing sugar! my mommy says that (here in the states it's powdered sugar)
That cheese dessert looks fabulous- I could so be all over that!
Happy summer- hope you have some fun and relaxation planned. I know teachers work HARD!
My favorite teacher has to be my first grade teacher. She helped me learn English and was the sweetest lady ever.
wow... that desert cheese ball looks dangerous!! I'm pretty sure it wouldn't last in my house!!
I loved school, but I got picked on big time. But I always loved my teachers, and loved the kids, even though they were super mean. I had tons of favorite teachers - I was lucky that way!! :)
Um, that dessert cheeseball looks insane! Thanks for the recipe!
A friend of mine makes a cheeseballs similar to that and it is too good. You seriously cannot keep me away from it. My favorite teacher was my physics teacher Mr. Johnson. I actually had him for another science class too. He made class fun and really took pride in teaching in a way we would enjoy learning. He rocked!
my best memories from school are just being with my friends and playing sports.
cheesecake balls..nice!!
I hope you have a great day honey!!!
I was lucky enough to have some really fantastic teachers growing up and I think my favorite was my fifth grade teacher (who I also had in second grade). She went out of her way to feed my love of books and took us on SO many cool field trips!
ive never seen this before a dessert cheeseball!!??? what a tasty suprise, looks really GOOD! mmm bet that would be good with the strawberry too :) :)
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! And for the recipes:)
My favourite teacher was my 10th grade history teacher. I sucked at history but loved going to class. 1 guess why? Yeah that's looking teacher I ever had in my school history :-)
Love the cheeseball! My kids would go nuts over this!
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