Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekend Away

We were craving tacos, so on Thursday we cooked up some ground beef, seasoned it with taco seasoning, and had some soft tacos.

On Friday after work we drove to Saskatoon.  We had dinner at Seoul, where I ordered one of my favourite meals ever, tukbaegi bulgogi.

Breakfast on Saturday was at Aroma.  We then spent the day having a really great visit with my mom.

Early Saturday evening we shared a snack platter:

And then later on Saturday we shared a little pizza, just in the restaurant in our hotel.

We were up early on Sunday morning, and dined at Aroma again.

After picking up groceries for my mom and having another visit, we were on the road home.  When we got home this evening, we made an Asian noodle dish for our lunches the next couple days:

And meatloaf with Pioneer Woman's mac and cheese for dinner tonight.

How was your weekend?  What did you do?


Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

All of the food that you had this weekend looked great! I'm glad you had a great visit with your mom. My weekend was really good but pretty busy. We stayed in on Friday night and made dinner. Saturday I ran 22 miles, went to a baby shower and then went to a birthday party in the evening. Yesterday was quieter as I just had coffee with a friend and did some meal prep in the kitchen so that was nice!

Amber said...

Hey I recognize your food at Aroma! That was the restaurant in the hotel we stayed at when we were in Saskatoon for a conference in May :)

Ameena said...

I've always been intrigued by Saskatoon! So envious you took a trip there.