365 Days. 382 Posts. 4284 comments.
One year ago today I started this blog, unfamiliar with blogging, food photography, and recipe creation. Looking back over my posts and photos from the past year, I have come a long way! I also realized that I have had a lot of good eats and good times!
This blog keeps me sane, happy, and busy. I love it.
Breakfast had to be something epic this morning.
I combined a couple of my favourite breakfasts, Mocha Oats and Vegan Overnight Oat Parfaits to create ...
Mocha Oat Soft serve Parfait

Coffee VOO
- 1/3 cup quick oats
- 1 scoop chia seeds
- Just over 2/3 cup brewed cold coffee
- Put in fridge overnight or for a few hours
Chocolate Soft Serve
- 1 t cocoa
- 1 frozen banana
- 1/4 cup (or more) Almond Breeze
- Blend in Vita-Mix or Food Processor until soft serve consistency
Layer in a cup. Top with cacao nibs and coconut, and eat with a spoon!

Lunch was a toasted tomato sandwich, and a juicy peach:

One of the things I love most about blogging and reading blogs is the inspiration I get to try new foods and recipes. I also love the photography aspect.
If you have a blog, what do you love most about blogging? If you don't have a blog, why do you read food blogs or other blogs?
Nice on the year!! Amazing how it goes so fast isn't it!!
I love sharing my recipes with others! It was something I liked to do anyways with my friends, this way I have it organized much better!
Congrats one 1 year!!! I love blogging because of all the support. I mean seriously, I love the fact that complete strangers support me and love me. Its really awesome and inspiring!
Happy Blogiversary!
I LOVE BLOGGING! I love comments, conversation, interaction. Everything. It's my favourite hobby, by far!
Yay on the one year blogging anniversary! I love all of the inspiration I get from blogging. I never in a million years dreamed I'd be so inspired.
Happy Blogiversary! I love your blog!!
wow, 1 year! congrats! I love having a sense of community in the blog world. Many of the readers of my blog ( like you ) i consider to be my friends even though we've never met in person!
Congrats on your blogiversary!!
There are so many things I love about blogging - the wonderful community, the fact that I can get all my thoughts out and have tons of people who provided support/feed back. The food pics, the recipe ideas. The knowledge that we all provide each other. ;)
Happy one year! I love the people that I've "met" the most. The blogging community is incredible!
Happy Anniversary! So glad you started blogging :)
i'm still a newbie and still learning this whole blogging thing, but i love talking to other people with similar interests (eating and running!!) sharing ideas, hearing their stories, and hopefully becoming a better writer all at the same time :)
HAPPY ONE YEAR BLOGIVERSARY im gonna be celebrating tomorrow with your parfair recipe!! i have blackberries so i guess im gonna be making ur blackberry banana one. i wanna make the brownie batter one too, but one at a time i guess hehe <3 <3
Congrats on 1 year! Isn't it a fun way to see how many things you've tasted and done?!
Happy blog anniversary! :)
I love the support that bloggers give each other!! You guys have been great to me lately especially since I'm just MENTALLY drained!! I also like how you guys make me feel "normal"...not everyone in the world feels the way I do when I find a new pb! -mymarblerye have a great weekend and happy blogiversary!
Happy birthday to your blog!
What I like the most about blogging is to communicate with people that live around the world. Also the amazing recipes :)
WOW!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! :) a whole year! yay!!!!!!!! :)
Happy bloggie birthday! Your parfait looks like a perfect way to celebrate :)
All the ladies I've "met" here in blogworld are just so sweet and open, and it's awesome sharing our passions and hearing their stories!
First time I've ever seen mocha oats done... they look AMAZING and I can't wait to give them a try.
Congrats on one year!
Just wanted to let you know i made the balckberry banana VOO parfait this morning and IT WAS INSANE! SO GOOD! and the frozen fruit is so simple yet tastes better than any sorbet ive had! i'll post it tomorrow. definitely gonna be making them again <3
congrats on your 1 year!!!!!!!! we are so close (like within 2 weeks) of each other's blogiversarys. How cool :)
my blog has given me friends i never knew i'd feel lost without..that's been the best part of it all for me!
congrats and happy 1 year anniversary.. i love blogging because you learn so much about everything from food to exercise and more.. and plus you get to meet people from all over the world :-)
A belated congratulations! Seems I miss all the good things when I'm away:-)
I like the support from fellow bloggers and the accountability it brings.
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