esterday was my last day of summer holidays.
The hubby BBQd smokies for dinner, which we enjoyed with some maple beans. We then went out to see Eat, Pray, Love.

This morning I had to get up bright and early for some blog related chit chat ... more news on this in a few weeks or so :-)
I was going to use my juicer but it was dead!
I bought it about 6 months ago from Costco, so I am NOT happy.
I will be returning it for a new one. Luckily Costco is really good about returns.
Instead, I tossed all of this into my Vita-Mix to make a whole fruit "juice":

(2 grapefruits, 2 clementine, 1 yellow pepper)
The Vita-Mix blended it all into smithereeeeeeeens - seeds, fiber, and all. I drank the glass for breakfast and kept the other container to have with my dinner:

Today was my first day back at work after having the summer off. It was a good day! I got a lot done, and was happy to see all of the awesome people that I work with. I nibbled on a couple pieces of cheese, some crackers, and some grapes at work during our staff meeting.
After seeing Eat, Pray, Love last night, I was craving pasta!
I had chicken carbonara for lunch:

(From Mediterranean Bistro)
I ate about 3/4.
Dinner was fish, the rest of my whole fruit juice, and potatoes with tomato, basil, and goat cheese:

Behind the Name: Everyday Foodie
When I started this blog I chose the name "Everyday Foodie" for a few reasons. I liked the multiple layers of meaning behind the name, all representing who I am, and what this blog is about.
I blog about my eats (almost) every day.
The enjoyment of good food is an everyday occurrence in my life. Chocolate isn't for special occasions. It is something that I believe can be enjoyed each day in moderation.
I am not a chef or a culinary expert. I am not an epicure or gourmet of distinguished tastes or a refined, discriminating palate. I am simply a girl who loves food and wants to celebrate life and good eats every day - your ordinary, unpretentious, Everyday Foodie.
According to Wikipedia:
- Foodies are amateurs who simply love food for consumption, study, preparation, and news.
- Foodies want to learn everything about food, both the best and the ordinary, and about the science, industry.
If you have a blog, what is the meaning behind your name?
Do you enjoy learning about food? Food science?
What is your favourite foodie related topic to read about?
I love reading about the science of food, and learning about different nutrients and how they effect the body. I also love to learn about new foods and flavour combinations. The majority of what I read is food/ food science/ nutrition related.
When I first started thinking about starting a blog, I knew I needed a cool name. I also knew I wanted to take outfit pictures on a semi-regular basis in addition to all the lovely greens I eat every day, and thus Greens and Jeans was born!
Glad to hear your first day back went well!
I love food science and learning about foods but I am far from being a foodie- I don't have the refined taste for blue cheese and a bunch of other 'foodie foods'.
I picked my name 'One Healthy Apple' because I was literally obsessed with apples. I ate several apples a day when I first got into healthy eating and it stuck. Now when I don't feel well, my husband buys me an apple so it really did stick.
Hi, first time at your blog which is very beautiful. I am a food lover as well. I love good food and I enjoy it more when I have friends around me. I cook fom me, my family and my friends, who sometimes act as guinea pigs for my culinary experiments.
I love learning the actual definition of foodie! :)
What did you think about the movie?!
Great post. I think you have a GREAT relationship/view with food personally. I don't really know why I called mine what I did - just wanted something simple...and didn't know if it would go anywhere. I'll probably be stopping anyhow - the stalking and negativity is getting to me. It's no way to live. Instead of enjoying it, or being happy to post/read, I am filled with fear and anxiety...
My blog started as an the experiment of being a new wife, but now that I have been married all most a year I have trasitioned to keep'n the faith. My daddy ALWAYS tells people to "keep the faith" and it just sticks with me everyday. It applies to so much in life, if we can just keep the faith, a lot of us would hang on a bit longer
Glad you had a nice first day back to work.
Your potato dish looks so good. I've been using potatoes in my cooking a lot more lately, but I've been pretty boring about it. I like the idea of sprinkling some goat cheese on top, sounds great.
My blog, "The Candid RD"was created so I could be candid about my opinion on food, health, and nutrition. I think we hear so much false information on the radio, on tv, in ads, and I just want to set everyone straight and teach them the truth!
love the explanation about your blog name, and can't wait to hear about the big blog news!!
Your fruit smoothie looks wonderful:)
I struggled SO MUCH coming up for a name for my blog. Finally I went with Girl with the Red Hair because it really is who I am!
Yay, glad your first day back was fab!!
I love that you explained your blog name, I think that's an awesome idea!
I'm sure you know why mine is mine.. but obviously, I'm dairy free and in middle/high school my friends and I had a "archie" gang - and I was Betty, dating "Archie" ... and it always stuck!!
Awesome story behind the name! Glad to hear that your first day went well!
The story behind my name is pretty simple....New Weigh of Life=the new weigh to a healthier lifestyle :)
Great explanation! I think you read my post about my blog name - kinda long to explain here haha. I definitely consider myself a foodie - especially in accordance with your first definition.
Sorry about your juicer :(
Great explanation of your blog name!
I do love learning about food. And the science of food. I have a cook book written by Alton Brown and he really focuses on the process/science behind cooking. The geek in me loves that.
As far as my blog name, it sort of has multiples meanings, too. It's Lisa's Yarns because I love knitting and at first I planned to share my projects, but so many seem to be gifts, so I can't share them until I give them away, so I don't do many knitting posts... And then the other meaning behind it ties into the double meaning of yarns - you know, the whole 'spinning yarns' which I think means telling stories. So Lisa's Yarns = my stories...
it was great to get to know you more!!
From Here to There In Purple expresses my journey towards recovery. when i was in the hospital i started writing and realized that the color purple kept showing up everywhere. so, it became my symbolic color :)
what did you think of eat pray love?
I really do not like my blog name too much ...guess i was in a hurry lol!!! oh well! I do enjoy learning about food I was not brought up near a kitchen so making sure i write all your guys stuff down ...and teach to my girlies!
Ooh, that's def you then! A true foodie! And that's me, too. Though I don't blog everyday like you do. I would go crazy. I'm loving your blog name more now!
a few things....
1) your smoothie looks YUM!
2) I am craving potatoes now!
3) I love how you explained how you came up with your blog name!
I really wanted to come up with something cool to call my blog, an attention getter, but in the end it's called what it is. A Journey to a New ME! The journey has been amazing so far!
Great post and as always, food looks DELISH!
hi.. thanks for stopping by and the kind words
The name of my blog, "West Coast Peach" combines my personality with my love of food. I live in BC, on Vancouver Island, which is the beautiful west coast! I love everything about it here - rain, beaches, forests, mountains, rivers, and the ocean of course. This is my home.
Calling myself a "Peach" was partly a joke (juicy and plump, haha) and partly because I love peaches! Peaches grow in BC as well, so it all tied together.
I am a biology student so studying how the body works and the science of food is right up there in my interests.
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