ince starting back at work on Wednesday I have been keeping myself quite busy.
Not the best time for us to discover that our shingles need replacing.
The hubby was going to do the shingling, but then decided against it after scoping things out on the roof. We are in the process of trying to find someone to do it for a reasonable price (less than 4 grand would be nice).
Do you own a home? Don't you find that if it is not one thing, it is something else?
My eats have been pretty simple the last couple days because I haven't gotten around to buying groceries or planning meals.
Breakfast yesterday was yogurt with a clementine, and a slice of toast with PB:

I went for lunch with coworkers and had Green Thai Curry with rice.
I had the leftovers for dinner:

Last night I made Averie's Vegan GF Cinnamon Raisin Banana Oatmeal Muffins:

These are delicious little 3 bite goodies. I gobbled up 2.
I must have done something wrong though, because after I cooked them I could not get them out of the papers; they were stuck to it. I just ate them off of the paper. They were still fantastic! I had another 1 today.
Breakfast this morning was a small smoothie with a banana, amazing grass, hemp seeds, salba, and chocolate almond milk:

Lunch was more Thai food! I didn't eat it all - there was WAY too much!

The hubby made dinner tonight so I could work late. He made chicken and mushroom rice. I also had a Guinness after work.

This evening the hubby and I went to Inception. This movie was EXCELLENT.
Some of you asked how I liked Eat, Pray, Love. I thought it was good, but the book was (obviously) much better. Eat, Pray, Love didn't hold a candle to Inception though ... just not the same caliber.
What are your plans for the weekend?
Have you seen any good movies lately? What do you recommend?
Your meals look great! Let me know if you get any good movie recommendations - I'm always on the lookout for something new! :)
I hear ya on the house stuff!! It's never ending! But it's great to be a homeowner!
Haven't seen eat, pray, love yet...but want to! I just saw Knight & Day (with tom cruise & cameron diaz)at the dollar theater...it was good!
I helped my dad totally redo the roof. It was a lot of fun. It took us about 2 months, because obviously it was just us 2 and we had to replace the wood below the shingles and everything, but it was pretty simple. I hope you guys find a good deal! I wanted to see Inception, my bestie told me it was really good!!
I really liked Inception and am looking forward to seeing Eat Pray Love this weekend!
And yes, with the house just like the cars, it is ALWAYS one thing after another.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh the joys of home ownership ;)
You always make my mouth water!
Maybe the muffins don't have enough fat, or too dense...try not using the muffin liners next time!
Just saw the documentary The Lottery and did a review on it: http://dailytrojan.com/2010/08/26/touching-documentary-shows-struggle-for-quality-public-education/
It was awesome...upsetting, but really eye-opening.
there's always something else to do to the house! we have such ADD on getting things done on ours-i think there's about seven different projects that we're midway through!
I was going to go see Eat Pray Love last night, but ended up having too many drinks with friends! Plans for tonight are minimal so I can be productive tomorrow.
I'm so scared to buy a house because of all the maintenance expenses.
LOL - "ate them off the paper"! I made cookies today too and put a couple in liners...and had to do the same thing ;)...granted, I did burn them alittle...
I don't own a house - not even close - but I feel the same way about cars...such a money-sucker...I've put so much money into her, have 4 more years, and the interest I'll have to pay then is going to be crazy ridiculous...:(
I'll have to see Inception I think...
I am a homeowner - it is always something. My husband and I just completely renovated it, basically everything BUT the roof... so hopefully we'll be good for the next five years or so!!
I saw inception last weekend - absolutely incredible. What did you think about the end? I think that thespinner was going to fall!
yea i was thinking eat pray love would probably be better in its original book version. i'll still go see the movie just for fun... kind of a bummer that it doesnt hold up to the promises. but most movies dont. at least u loved inception!
mm thai food, any take out place around here definitely gives WAY TOO MUCH FOOD.. but the joys of leftovers come to play i guess :P
hey sweetie, thanks for making the muffins!! I have never had any issues getting them out of the paper...hmmm. You could always add a couple tablespoons/or a couple pats of butter or vegan butter. Just something to add some oil. Or coconut oil would be great :) Or just spray the muffin tin really well!!! with nonstick and try that...but honestly, I hate cleaning out the muffin tray so i always use liners. Sorry they stuck for ya! Ive never had that happen..so sorry you did :( But hey, at least you liked them, just a little stuck/sticky. LOL
Everything looks great. I like that you ate a clementine. I always forget about how good they are. :)
I don't own a house but I hope to soon!! And yes, wasn't inception mind boggling? LOVED IT...and can we say Joseph Gordon Levitt is HAWTTTT. I saw Eat pray love and was sad that in the end she sitll wanted a MAN...I guess I thought it would be more inspiring to single woman!
Curry and Thai food just sounds SO good!
We moved into our house 2 years ago and did some renos right away, but of course still have lots we want to do. We ripped out pretty much our entire front lawn this summer and are in the process of replacing the soil and grass. The soil we had was just terrible and despite all the wet weather we had this summer, our lawn was yellow and dry.
We recently saw Inception. Loved it! We also saw Eclipse (my husband is apparently a teenage girl - it was his pick LOL) but didn't enjoy it that much. We've seen Salt, too. It was okay - definitely not as good as Inception. We'll be seeing The Girl Who Played with Fire soon. It's the sequel to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. It's Swedish with subtitles, but a really good movie. Warning: it's very graphic.
Good luck at school this week! I have my first patients of the year this week...
The fusilli looks amazing!! Good luck at school!
Mmm, all of that Thai food looks amazing!
I actually used my oven for the first time in like a month on Friday night. I was pretty underwhelmed by the enchiladas I made, but oh well! I gave them my best shot...
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