hen aspects of my life are out of balance (even by a little bit) I feel it physically. I got very little sleep a couple of the last nights we were camping, and today I felt the effects. I had a terrible headache and couldn't keep my breakfast or lunch down. I started feeling better by the end of the day, and my headache is almost gone now. I spent most of the day trying to sleep my headache away and keep food down.
Breakfast was a green monster with 1 large scoop of Amazing Grass, 1 cup unsweetened Almond Breeze, 1 T almond butter, 1 frozen banana:

Lunch was a small portion of wild rice, with a half a can of tuna
(mixed with light mayo & Dijon mustard):

Since I immediately lost my breakfast and lunch after consuming them, I was very hungry by about 2:00, and had a snack of Source Vanilla yogurt with a sprinkle of chocolate chips and coconut, and 1 T PB:

This was my first time stirring PB into my yogurt, and it was great! I see why this is so popular among food bloggers. I kept this snack down - thankfully.
When my stomach is not feeling well, the best thing I can eat is soup. I had a bowl of mushroom soup with a few crackers for dinner, along with 2 egg whites with hot sauce.
Dessert this evening was a bowl of fruit:

CSN Store Review: Product Review
I have worked with the people at CSN Stores quite a few times in the past, and they recently offered to send me a Kitchen Aid Kettle to try and review. The hubby and I have never owned a kettle, but he has been bugging me to get one ... needless to say, we jumped at the opportunity. I was happy to see it waiting for me in the mail when I returned from camping.
The kettle I chose was:
KitchenAid Cookware Gourmet Essentials 2.25 Quart Soft Grip Tea Kettle in Pear

- Ordering with CSN Stores was extremely easy
- The product was shipped in a very timely matter, and they even upgraded the shipping
- The Kettle is very visually appealing. I LOVE the colour! It comes in various other funky colours as well :-)
- The soft grip handle makes it very easy and comfortable to hold and carry to the stove when it is full of water.
- The water boiled in under 3 minutes.
- The kettle let out a audible squeal when the water was boiled - I could hear it well over the TV.
- The unique handle is a little awkward when trying to pour from the kettle, especially for a lefty like me.
- The kettle is smaller than other models I have seen, and might not be big enough for everyone.
Overall, I love my new kettle. It is super cute!

(Honey Ginger Green Tea)
Something else came in the mail when I was gone camping ...

Yipppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I have been a reader of Caitlin's blog from the beginning, and followed her journey as she came up with the Operation Beautiful movement, got a book deal, wrote her book, and then celebrated its release. It is surreal to be reading a book and know some of the stories and people in it. Many of the people who are featured in the book I "know" from the blogging world. Caitlin called for her readers to submit their stories, and their Operation Beautiful messages, which she then compiled in the book. Looking back I wish I had shared a story or message with her - it would have been neat to have been featured in the book!
Is your story or Operation Beautiful Message in the book?
Do you use a kettle? What kind? What do you use it for the most?
The hubby and I never used a kettle before because we had a water cooler that also supplied boiling hot water. It recently broke.
i dont use a kettle, i boil in a cup in the microwave, such a rebel i am but it works :)
caitlin. ironically i dont read her blog but a comment i left on another blog got noticed by caitlin and she wrote to me asking me if she could use my comment, so i guess i am in the book. someone else told me im in it.
I wish i had gotten into her blog awhile back, just never did, and now...well, i have sooo many other blogs i love to read :)
thx for all your comments on all my posts from last week...while you were sick no less. feel better!
That kettle is really cute, love the color! I always use an electric one, never tried a stove top before.
Hope you feel better soon!
I'm glad you had a fun time camping but sorry you're sick. AT least you can make tea with that new kettlepot!!! Anyways, I haven't gotten my book yet!! Let me know how it is! -mymarblerye
oooh I love the new tea kettle!
Hope you feel better soon. I remember being sick like that. In one way it wasn't bad as I'd lose weight not being able to keep things down :-)
I love that teapot, it's so cute! I use one all the time. I'm kind of a tea addict, so a teapot is 100 percent necessary.
Hope you're feeling better today!
I don't use a kettle, but I would if I liked tea!
Sorry to hear you were feeling bad. Glad you're better now at least. I do use a kettle, it's just a silver colored one I found at Bed Bath & Beyond. Nothing fancy. We use it for tea mostly.
my story is in the book.
and that kettle is sooo cute!!!
hope your stomach has calmed down a bit, thinking of you!
love love love
becca xo
So jealous of the kettle!! I actually wanted one, but I really dont have any room in my kitchen lol
i don't use a kettle bc i don't drink tea that often, but darn it i love the color of that one! so cute!
That kettle is so cute! I have an electric one that I use constantly! I actually have one at home and another at work...
I've never used a kettle, but I don't really like tea.
Sorry you weren't feeling well, I hope you're better today.
i have the same type of stove as you and i didnt realize a kettle would work on the flat surface (only really thought of the coil or gas stoves) but now that ive seen this im so happy! ive always wanted one similar!! <3
Thanks for the comments on my blog - I am FINALLY getting aroudn to checking your blog out!
Sorry to hear you didn't keep your breakfast/lunch down... This morning I have been feeling a bit nauseated and worried that might happen to me! Yikes... not a good feeling since my desk is SO far from the bathroom at work....
I have yet to find a tea that I really like so I do use a kettle. I think I have one that came in one of those 'kitchen's in a box' packages that you can get at Target during back-to-school season, but I don't even know where it is... so I wondering if I tossed it during one of my 'purges' when cleaning/trying to get rid of stuff I don't use... or maybe I donated it to charity? Hmmm...
I am planning on buying her book this week! Can't wait to read it!
That kettle is so freaking cute. I haven't been drinking tea very much lately but I drink it A LOT in the fall/winter :)
I have a kettle...for looks only
I always microwave my water..lazy
I can see how camping can make ya sick lol! glad to hear your holding stuff down now : ) I WOULD love that kettle it matches my kitchen (Well what i got done with it so far at least) great pics!
hope you are feeling better today lady!
my kettle is a similar color to yours. i got it at target a few years back. i don't use it often but like the punch of color it gives my kitchen :)
I hope you feel better! Being sick in the summer is no good!
That tea kettle is so cute. I have to agree that the color is fantastic. CSN is a great place.
I love that you did a tea kettle review! I'm a definite tea-aholic. We switched to an electric kettle many years ago because my husband and I simply power through way too much hot water in a day. It was just quicker and more efficient.
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