Monday, December 9, 2019


It's freezing cold outside, but it's cozy inside.


We've been hiding indoors making comforting dishes like borscht (that's a big scoop of sour cream in there) with sourdough bread for dipping:

Barley risotto:

And Guinness beef pie:

Wild, overhanging puff pastry, because more puff pastry is better:

This past weekend was relaxing and full of delicious eats.  On Saturday morning Christopher made a beautiful breakfast that he had been planning for about a week.

He made eggnog waffles with warmly spiced fried chicken, and a hot toddy maple syrup.

We snacked on nachos later on in the day and had some chicken and waffles again as a late-night snack.

The rest of Saturday was spent listening to music, reading, and writing in Christmas cards.  We also ventured outside to do a bit of shopping.

We are mostly done our shopping, but we still need to get a couple of $25 dollar gifts for a family gift exchange game, and two pairs of Christmas socks filled with $10 gifts for my work party. 

On Sunday morning Christopher made shakshuka.

I'm still not eating eggs too often, but I've been liking them in shakshuka where they get lost in all the veggies, herbs and spices. 

After breakfast, coffees, and some computer time in the morning, we got back in the kitchen, and Christopher made hot sauce, while I whipped up pork noodles for our work lunches:

I also softened some veggies and browned meat, and then threw it all into a slow cooker with some broth and barley for hearty beef and barley soup.

That will be our dinner tonight and tomorrow night, which is perfect because it currently feels like -33 C, so we need something to warm our bones.

Unfortunately, it's now the time of year when we start plugging our cars in and hiding under multiple blankets.  I'm just hoping it's not as bad as last year was, as that never-ending cold was almost unbearable.

Dinner on Sunday evening included a mishmash of wings, coconut shrimp, and leftover borscht.

How was your weekend?  Are you done Christmas shopping?

1 comment:

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

Ufda, that is cold. Your cold weather arrived here. It's -13C right now, but -24C with the windchill. It's so awful. Anything below 0C is just miserable. The degrees stop mattering when it gets super negative. But -24 and -33 are particularly awful. We have one more day of this and then it will get better I think.

We had a really nice weekend. I hosted my friends and their kids for cookie decorating on Friday night. I made mac and cheese and while it tasted good, the gf macaroni fell apart so it was pretty mushy which was disappointing. But oh well! On Sunday we went to my MIL's for a belated Thanksgiving. It was nice to have turkey and mashed potatoes again as that is a meal I enjoy. Unfortunately Paul started to get sick that day so that put a damper on the celebration as he was not his happy self. I've been home with him the last 2 days and will be home again tomorrow as he has strep so we have to wait 24 more hours before he can go back to school. HOpefully he is significantly better by then!