Tuesday, January 22, 2013

11 Things

There is a meme going around the blogging community, and my pal Jennifer tagged me.

The rules are that I am to write 11 random facts about myself and answer 11 questions.  I must then nominate people to answer 11 questions that I come up with.

11 Random Facts about Me:

1)  Black coffee makes me happy.
2)  For about a year (I think in grade 4) I used to have a habit of tapping my teeth together on one side and then the other, usually in patterns.  I couldn't stop doing it.  It was like a nail biting habit, but with my teeth.
3)  I am very easily distracted. 
4)  I bought a VCR this year.  Yes, in 2013.
5)  I don't like to borrow things.
6)  I am very ticklish.
7)  I had a lot of pets growing up, but probably won't have one as an adult.
8)  The thought of brushing one's teeth with hot water makes me gag.
9)  My favourite colour is black.  
10)  I love wall-climbing, but haven't done it in ages.
11)  I get called strange at least once a week, but usually once a day.

Jennifer's 11 Questions for Me:

1.  What is one thing that you want to do but haven't done yet for whatever reason?
Get a PhD.
2.  What worries you?
I don't worry so much anymore.  If I can't control it, no point in worrying about it.
3.  What is one thing you would change about yourself/life?
I've thoughtfully, and purposefully created the life I want.  I wouldn't change a thing. 
4.  If you could travel anywhere where would you go and why?
Korea or Japan probably, because I've never been to Asia, and I'd like to experience a culture that is very different from my own.

5.  What is one thing you'd like to be remember for?
Putting a smile on others' faces.
6.  What was your original motivation for starting a blog?  Is it still the same now?
To have a hobby.  Yes, it's still the same.
7.  Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Happy and healthy, with my sweetheart.  Not changing diapers, I'll tell you that much!
8.  Who was the last person that made you cry? Why?
It wasn't a person, it was an onion.  It was pretty bad.
9.  Why are you happy?
Simple.  I long for nothing, and love what I have. 
10.  What is your favourite thing to do when you are alone?
Cook, read, dance around the house, try on clothes, lol.
11.  What is one thing you'd like to learn?
How to speak Spanish or Japanese.

I have some questions for my readers, but first ... the food.

Yesterday was a freezing cold day.  We made the perfect, comforting dinner, chicken soup

On the side, mini pitas stuffed with chicken, jalapenos, tomatoes, mayo, mustard and spinach.


Tonight we went out to EarlsMartinis to drink ...

Fish tacos for an appetizer to share ...

Quesadilla and salad for my entree ...

Now, I will pass on the following questions to YOU, my lovely readers.  You can answer if you want, either in the comments, or on your blog:

1)  How often do you go to the hair salon? 
2)  What is your favourite herb/spice?
3)  Thoughts on cosmetic surgery?
4)  Favourite kind of tea?
5)  What skill do you wish you had?
6)  Who makes you laugh the most?
7)  Do you have tattoos?  Where?  What?
8)  What fast food restaurant is your favourite?
9)  What 3 items are always in your freezer?
10)  What do you put on your toast usually?
11)  What are you most proud of?


Anonymous said...

I love these things! I think it's so neat to learn about other bloggers and readers. Here's my answers:
1) How often do you go to the hair salon? maybe once or twice a year
2) What is your favourite herb/spice? garlic powder
3) Thoughts on cosmetic surgery? whatever floats your boat
4) Favourite kind of tea? not a fan of tea
5) What skill do you wish you had? i wish i had more patience
6) Who makes you laugh the most? whenever my family gets together i usually do the most laughing.
7) Do you have tattoos? Where? What? Nope
8) What fast food restaurant is your favourite? Don't have one, but if I had to choose, maybe Wendy's?
9) What 3 items are always in your freezer? chicken, muffins and pancakes
10) What do you put on your toast usually? peanut butter
11) What are you most proud of? my son

Kacy said...

1) How often do you go to the hair salon?
Every 8-10 weeks.
2) What is your favourite herb/spice?
Fresh basil or cayenne pepper
3) Thoughts on cosmetic surgery?
I'm not opposed to it.
4) Favourite kind of tea?
Not a huge fan of tea, but I guess apple cinnamon.
5) What skill do you wish you had?
The ability to sing and play music.
6) Who makes you laugh the most?
Myself. I love making fun of myself.
7) Do you have tattoos? Where? What?
One on my right hip. It says Que Sera Sera
8) What fast food restaurant is your favourite?
Tough one. Either Sonic or Arby's I think.
9) What 3 items are always in your freezer?
Ice, flour (I keep all baking ingredients in the freezer) and hopefully ice cream
10) What do you put on your toast usually?
Peanut butter or cream cheese with jam
11) What are you most proud of?
My open mind.

Anonymous said...

Your favorite color is black? that is a new one. I also roll with black coffee, so good

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

Oh fun! I love these kind of posts as you learn so much about a person. I wish I liked black coffee - I need french vanilla cream. :)

My answers:
1. Every 3-4 months
2. Cumin or crushed red pepper
3. Totally not a fan of it.
4. Mango black tea
5. I wish I could play the guitar.
6. My little sister.
7. Nope - never will!
8. Chipotle!
9. frozen peas, frozen corn, and leftover bananas that I freeze to make banana bread from.
10. Peanut butter and sometimes raspberry jam
11. Passing the first 2 CFA exams.

Allysia said...

I loved reading this! The VCR thing is way too funny, ha ha ha. No children in your future? :) Five years is a long time.. :) And I'm totally learning Japanese right now...my roommate is half-Japanese so that was the kick in the pants I needed, I think!

1. Not enough. Like...twice a year.
2. How to choose? I love them all, seriously. But as of this exact moment...mint.
3. No power on this Earth will make me do it.
4. GREEN. Especially genmaicha, with the toasted brown rice.
5. Sewing and anything fabric-y.
6. Michael of course. :)
7. No tattoos...yet.
8. Do food trucks in Austin count? Ha ha, there's a good veggie one called 'Conscious Cravings' that make great wraps and fries.
9. Cashews, bread, bananas.
10. Margarine.
11. Multitasking school with learning guitar and Japanese and blogging. :)

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

@ Allysia - nope - we've talked about kids and we've decided we don't want 'em.