Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monday Dinner Surprise

Our friends Dalton and Emma gave us a shout Monday after work inviting us to come over and help them eat the giant salmon filet they bought.  It was a nice surprise to have dinner and a visit with good friends on a Monday night, and a great start to the week.

We ate the salmon with a fabulous mixture of vegetables.  


My darling friend Emma also sent me home with a giant bowl of homemade chicken soup, loaded with herbs, greens, and flavour which were so perfect for fighting off the cold that is trying to get me.  My Green Monster breakfast (smoothie with 3 cups spinach, almond milk, 1/2 banana, tsp cocoa, tsp vanilla) and that chicken soup, along with numerous anti-cold pills should do the trick.  I refuse to get sick!

How is your week going so far?  
Do you have much left to do before Christmas?

I only have two work days left before two weeks off - woot woot!


Ameena said...

The salmon looks divine...I wouldn't mind some of that sent home with me as leftovers!

Happy Holidays my friend...I hope you have a fantastic holiday season!

Simply Life said...

what a sweet surprise they gave you-sounds like good friends!

Kacy said...

This has been a crazy week. I've basically been at work the whole time! I have a lot to do before Christmas - finish shopping, pack, etc. But it will all get done :)
The food looks great!

Allysia said...

I was sick recently and it was totally lame - seems everyone's getting sick around here. But you won't get sick!! Especially right around Christmas, because that would be twice as lame.

P.S. I'm not sure what's going on with my site, but I'm pretty sure that if you try subscribing using this address (feeds.feedburner.com/TheRealMeal) then it should work. Hopefully. I miss all you guys. :(

Lisa's Yarns said...

I hope you can kick the cold. My week si going well, I am so excited for Christmas, and feel pretty ready!!

Why am I here??? said...

Congrats on finishing your hectic semester! I'm done too and survived my first ed. grad class. YAHHHH

Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga said...

Merry Xmas, Jolene!

Hope you and your family have a wonderful and relaxing holiday!