eptember has arrived.
The days are getting shorter, and I don't like it.
In order to rebel, I made a very summery breakfast this morning. No pumpkin for this girl (yet).
Piña Colada Oatmeal

3/4 cup unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze
1/4 cup Mott's Pina Colada Mix
1/2 cup quick oats
Bring liquid to a boil. Add oats. Cook 1 minute.
Remove and cover for a few minutes, until desired consistency.
Top with coconut and pineapple.
Lunch was lazy man lasagna and an orange. I also had an icecap this afternoon. I have joined a coffee club at work, and will be getting an icecap once a week :-)
Dinner was a simple pita pizza (1.5 pitas with tomato sauce, green pepper, tomatoes, onions, green olives and mozza cheese - 10 minutes @ 400). If you haven't made a pita pizza before, you really need to. They are SO easy, fun to make, and very satisfying. Kids would love 'em too!

Are you embracing Fall already, or still holding on to what is left of Summer? What are you going to miss most about summer?
Oooh, such refreshing dishes! Yum.
What I'll miss most about summer = my recent trip to NYC.
amazing oatmeal!! due to the weather in SC, i have no choice but to hold onto summer, haha. i'm going to miss the beach!!
I LOVE fall, because I love cold weather. Not to mention the hubby and I got married in fall :)
I am def going to miss the fruit of summer!! All those berries and peaches!!
I'm not holding on to summer at all ... I LOVE fall and winter and cannot wait for the cold and snow :) I got excited today when I saw leaves on the ground and some trees that are starting to turn colours :)
I am totally embracing fall! I LOVE this time of year. The cool weather, sweaters, boots, back-to-school. LOVE!
im teetering in between holding on to summer and switching to fall. just seeing the words pina colada made me happy and hopeful that summer can be dragged out just a little bit longer tho! im going to miss the sun, the tanning, the q.u.i.e.t :)
Piña Colada Oatmeal = genius!!! I have made mango banana oatmeal before, ages ago and it's in my recipe file, but yeah, this looks amazing!
pita pizza, nice!!!
fall..ick. it just means winter is next. I hate winter. Spring, summer, warm weather, that's what it's all about for me!
your comment to me that WFs is cheap/reasonable for food by Canadian standards...omg you guys are getting hosed!
Your eats look delish! That oatmeal in particular sounds fab! :)
I am so ready for Fall, we've been having a major heat wave here on the East Coast and I'm looking forward to cooler temperatures so that I can actually do stuff outside again.
i have pitas..maybe I can make some pizza! I will miss the EASE of just throwing on summer clothes and shoes and leaving the house!
what a fun oatmeal idea!
pina colada mix in oatmeal? love it!!! I love fall, but not the shorter days. It was a struggle to haul myself out of bed this morning when it wasn't even light out yet.
I like the Colada idea...better as drink though ;).
Thank you for your kind comments on my post...I teared up reading the support. This is a difficult time for me and I don't feel it's going to change anytime soon. I'm feeling very lost.
But I'll try not to show that to much.
"We don't know what hides behind the facade of a smile"...do we?
i love fall in MN. the apples, cooler weather, gorgeous colors, and crunchy leaves are my favorites. i will miss fresh, summer produce. blueberries and tomatoes just dont taste as good from october thru may :(
I'm embracing the Fall-it means the baby is coming soon!
I'm so ready for fall and going outside in long sleeves and no jacket, real apples, pumpkins, and the leaves changing. But I will miss the drop in traffic that happens during the summer when DC is on vacation.
Summer is my absolute favorite season so I'm never ready to let go of it. I'm still enjoying summery frocks, spending time outside and lots of produce. I have been eating some fall-ish foods, but I just do that sometimes :)
Is an icecap an iced cappucino? I was thinking it was a popsicle, haha.
I LOVE fall! Maybe it's because the summers are so miserable here...
Sort of sadly, I've pulled out the pumpkin and put it in my oatmeal a couple of times. What with the rather cool weather here in SK, it feels like fall, and there's something about pumpkin that seems comforting and warms me up.
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