Sleep was more important to me this morning than a proper breakfast was. I grabbed a coffee and a glo-bar and was out the door around 8:00.

I have to admit, it was kind of nice to have breakfast on the run and sleep a little longer. I LOVE sleeping. But I hate to go to bed at night - I torture myself!
This may or may not become a habit. We will see.
I packed a morning snack since I knew my breakfast was not very substantial (even though glo-bars are amazing and have tonnes of protein etc.).
I had a cheese stick (it is not string cheese), and an apple sauce for a snack, and then lunch was turkey sausage, and rice, with yogurt and coconut and an orange for dessert.

We made an easy supper tonight because we didn't feel like going for groceries yesterday. We had asparagus soup and grilled tomato and Gruyère sandwiches.

Dessert was a small handful of macaroon chocolates. Nom.

I love adding tomato or apple to my grilled cheese.
Do you add anything to grilled cheese? I want more ideas!!
I haven't really had time to settle in at home since getting back from my vacation (I know, it has been a couple weeks). I still haven't looked at my Christmas gifts, let alone put them away ... and still don't feel organized for the new year. I need a couple days to get myself together, organize my house, go through recipes, and meal plan, and just get in the groove of life! I just feel like relaxing all the time - my body and mind are still totally on vacation.
I am thinking that my "New Year" and my organization will actually start February 1st. This is my recuperation month for the torturous last semester I endured! (At least that is what I am telling myself ...).
Do you ever have trouble getting back into life after a vacation or time off?
I had a big list of things I wanted to do once I had "time off" from school, and I have yet to get my butt in gear and do them - it is like I sit there, not knowing where to start!
I have to admit, it was kind of nice to have breakfast on the run and sleep a little longer. I LOVE sleeping. But I hate to go to bed at night - I torture myself!
This may or may not become a habit. We will see.
I packed a morning snack since I knew my breakfast was not very substantial (even though glo-bars are amazing and have tonnes of protein etc.).
I had a cheese stick (it is not string cheese), and an apple sauce for a snack, and then lunch was turkey sausage, and rice, with yogurt and coconut and an orange for dessert.
We made an easy supper tonight because we didn't feel like going for groceries yesterday. We had asparagus soup and grilled tomato and Gruyère sandwiches.
Dessert was a small handful of macaroon chocolates. Nom.
I love adding tomato or apple to my grilled cheese.
Do you add anything to grilled cheese? I want more ideas!!
I haven't really had time to settle in at home since getting back from my vacation (I know, it has been a couple weeks). I still haven't looked at my Christmas gifts, let alone put them away ... and still don't feel organized for the new year. I need a couple days to get myself together, organize my house, go through recipes, and meal plan, and just get in the groove of life! I just feel like relaxing all the time - my body and mind are still totally on vacation.
I am thinking that my "New Year" and my organization will actually start February 1st. This is my recuperation month for the torturous last semester I endured! (At least that is what I am telling myself ...).
Do you ever have trouble getting back into life after a vacation or time off?
I had a big list of things I wanted to do once I had "time off" from school, and I have yet to get my butt in gear and do them - it is like I sit there, not knowing where to start!
Hmmmm I love macaroons! Tomorrow is my sleep-in day. SO EXCITED for it :D Haha
oh that grilled cheese looks like the perfect combination!
HAHAHA I just put my tree up last week!! I am so lazy. Gifts are still everywhere. BTW I can NOT do breakfast on the run. Reading blogs and eating breakfast is ME time before a busy work day!
i love grilled cheese with ham and cream cheese added (so it kinda goes bread, cheese, ham, cream cheese, bread i guess?)
and i had a sample of grilled cheese with dijon the other day that was pretty good
Getting back into the swing of things after vacation is difficult!
I like grilled cheese with tomato, hot sauce, sometimes beans or turkey - yum!
I'm still on vacation too I think as far as making meals goes. I've just been living off quick and easy meals for weeks now. They're still delicious though - like your grilled cheese!
This sounds weird but I got it from my Nana: spread a layer of jam on a piece of bread (any kind) and then melt cheese on top of that in a toaster oven. A really old cheddar is best. Mmm...such a great mix of salty and sweet.
I love making a grilled cheese with a mini brie and apple or pear. It is SO so so good.
Also, I so know what you mean about mornings. I love having my sit-down breakfast but when I have to eat it on the run so I have a bit more sleep I'm like "Hey, this is pretty great!!". I don't have any healthy bars to take with me so I'll usually have overnight oatmeal which I just bring along and eat in class :)
I loooove grilled cheese! My favorite add ins are tomato, sauteed veggies, roasted veggies, onion, turkey... There are few things I won't put in there!
My favorite grilled cheese was with spinach and sun dried tomatoes! Yum.. you can never go wrong with a grilled cheese.
Oh gosh, SO many things to add to grilled cheese:
apples. Caramelized onions. Smoked turkey. Roasted tomatoes. Guacamole. Pesto. Sprouts. Figs. Raisins and peanut butter(what?!). Bacon. sauteed mushrooms. Baked pears. Ah, so many!
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