Friday, January 30, 2015


Our eats haven't been too exciting this week; we've just been eating leftovers from the turducken we made on Sunday.  On Tuesday we had a cheesy turducken casserole, which made even more leftovers.

It didn't take long for everything to get eaten up. 

In other news, the bottom element in our oven burned out - boo!  Has this ever happened to any of you before?  We won't be cooking anything in the oven until the new part comes in and my handsome handyman, aka Christopher, replaces it.  Until that happens, we'll be cooking with the broiler, or on the stove.

We're looking forward to a weekend in Saskatoon visiting my mom.

What are you up to this weekend?

1 comment:

Lisa's Yarns said...

Bummer about the oven element! I've never heard of that happening! I'm glad you've got a handy man to help you out with the installation.

We are having a pretty quiet weekend. Last night we tried out a new-to-us restaurant in Phil's neighborhood. Tonight I am going to an event that was supposed to be a cross country event but got changed to a walking-only event since we don't have much snow! :( Tomorrow we will make chili and cornbread and watch the Super Bowl!