Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Whattup Wednesday

1)  I like grapes ... but I loooooove tasty beverages made with grapes. 


Thesis writing is more fun with tasty beverages.

2)  We saw Django Unchained on Saturday evening.  If you haven't seen this movie, you should!  It's hilarious!

3)  Months ago when making perogies, Christopher made a giant, calzone-sized perogy.  We cooked it up and ate it on Monday evening.  I learned that the only thing better than a perogy is a jumbo perogy.  We jazzed it up with white onion, green onion, sour cream and hot sauce.


4)  Life can get busy.  I keep track of appointments, events, social engagements, etc., in a paper day-planner.  Yes, even in this technological age, I still use a paper day planner.  I searched for one in January with something very specific in mind ... and I found it.

It makes me happy.  New York, I love you.

5)  I picked up a few groceries after work yesterday and thought I'd try something new for dinner - coconut curry marinated tempeh.  Little did I know that after cooking it up, it would smell and taste like rancid, moldy, shampoo-coated vomit.  Appetizing.  I had no choice but to toss it and start over with dinner.

I do like tempeh, but the sauce on this was horrifying.

6)  While shopping I also picked up this minced coriander (coriander = cilantro; cilantro = love).  It was so good that I used half of the jar on my dinner.  That is not an exaggeration.  Seriously.

7)  My dinner, which tasted much better than the tempeh, was fried tofu seasoned with pepper, salt and Indian spices, rice with peas, and half a jar of minced coriander on top.  It was awesome!

8)  Like Everyday Foodie?  Head on over and click "like" on Facebook!

Whattup peeps?


Ally's Sweet and Savory Eats said...

Fun post! That dinner does sound horrifying!

❤ Meghan said...

this is such a cute list! i like beverages made with grapes, too :)

Kacy said...

Beverages made from grapes = my fave kind of beverage ;)
Also, I love paper planners. I didn't use one this year or last and I've missed it but I don't have a car and carry so much stuff with me I just stopped using it in lieu of google calendar.

Anonymous said...

Cute post :) Beverages made from grapes are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Wine and perogies all in one post = awesome. Only thing missing was bacon :) And chocolate.

Ameena said...

New York...I love you too!!

Angela said...

I also love grape beverages. :) And that goblet!! So fancy.

Why am I here??? said...

how is your thesis coming btw?

Allysia said...

Mmm, tasty grape beverages... :) I haven't had wine in a while, mainly because if I crack a bottle then I either have to drink it all myself, or toss some, and and I don't like either option! Jumbo perogy is brilliant, because it probably saves A LOT of assembly time...I'll keep that in mind. :) Also good to know that the sauce on that tempeh is horrible! I find a lot of pre-sauced vegan foodstuffs are pretty nasty.

Lisa's Yarns said...

I also use a paper planner. It is just way easier and way more fulfilling for me to write things down on paper. And I get pleasure from paging through my calendar. It makes me feel more in control of things!