Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring

And what a beautiful day it was.  

It sure feels like spring has sprung, although living in Saskatchewan, one can never be too sure.

Eats as of late have of included a lot of salads.  I picked up a new dressing a while back, Organic Sesame Ginger dressing, and it is making me want a large salad daily.  Not a bad thing!  As you may know, I absolutely hate making salads, so I have been using the organic mixed greens that come prepackaged so I don't have to wash them. 

Our first-day-of-Spring meal was a little more wintery today.  I have a bunch of dried wild mushrooms that I picked up at Costco and used them to make a mushroom risotto to accompany pork chops in mushroom sauce - an old family fave.


Not a very colourful dinner, but tasty nonetheless.  

I absolutely love mushrooms, especially the dried ones as they won't go bad on me.  You just soak them for a short while in water, wine or broth, and then they are ready to be used.  The liquid that they have been soaked in can be used in whatever you are cooking to add a little extra umami.

Do you like mushrooms?  Do you ever use the dried mushrooms?


Simply Life said...

I've never tried dried mushrooms before- good to know!

Lisa's Yarns said...

I love mushrooms and have never tried the dried ones. I will have to try them out! That meal sounds/looks delicious!

Alli said...

That looks delicous and good for you for using free range and antibiotic free!

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

I love mushrooms! I use dried shitake mushrooms sometimes! That meal looks great!

Kamila Gornia said...

I love mushrooms but never tried dried ones as far as I remember. Must be delicious. I just recently got the taste for mushrooms (like 1-2 years ago) so I'm still new to all the mushroom additions in my food. But it tastes mmm mm good!

Amber said...

Lucky you getting spring! It's definitely NOT spring in the west yet :(

Vanessa said...

Is the sesame dressing from Trader Joe's? I just bought one and I'm really excited to try it! And I do love mushrooms. One of my favorite ways to have them is to put sautéed mushrooms on top of garlic bread. Delicious!

Vanessa said...

I thought I commented, but maybe it didn't go through. Anyway, I love mushrooms -- especially sautéed on top of garlic bread!

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

Hey Vanessa - sorry, it did go through, but I moderate, so just hadn't seen it yet :-) The brand of the dressing is Simply Natural. Not sure if they sell it at TJs, as we don't have that store in Canada :-(

Anonymous said...

I like mushrooms when they are mixed in with other things :P

Kacy said...

I wish I like mushrooms, but I just can't get into them. i know they're so healthy though, so it's a bummer.

Unknown said...

I love mushrooms but I have never tried dried mushrooms before...looks like I should they look yummy!