Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bachelorette Party

Two of my friends from elementary school are getting married on Saturday ... to each other.  They have been friends since they were kids, but none of us ever imagined that they would fall in love in their late 20s and get married.  Last night was the bachelorette party.  

My friend's mom turned her heated garage into the tropics.  She even painted a mural on the inside of the garage door!  


There was a big spread of food, signature drinks, and an underwear guessing game for the bride-to-be.  We each had to bring a pair of underwear that represented our own personalities for the bride-to-be.  She then had to guess who brought which pair and why.  It was fun!

Someone got creative and put the happy couple on a pair - hehe!

Bet you never thought you'd see underwear on a food blog!

It is sure to be a fun wedding and I can't wait to spend Saturday evening celebrating and dancing with my entire group of friends from elementary school.  We are all still friends - isn't that crazy!?  And awesome! 

I had to leave the party early because of work today, but before I left I was told to pose for a photo ...

Left to right: Dianna, Suzanne, Mel (Bride), and Me.
Are you still friends with the people you went to elementary school with?  High school?  
What do you have going on this weekend? 


Anonymous said...

all my friends are high school friends...loyal till the end right? Looks like such a fun time! You guys should be party planners! Seriously!

Kacy said...

Looks like so much fun!

I'm only friends with one person I went to elementary/high school school with. Kind of sad.

Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty said...

what a great idea - the guess the underwear!! love it!

I still have a few close friends from high school, and one or two acquaintances from elementary!

Anonymous said...

Aww how sweet! This weekend should be pretty complaints from me!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Aw, that is so sweet! A friend of mine married a girl he met in high school last week! They had been friends (sort of) through the years and then reconnected about 2 years ago.

I do not keep in touch with people I went to elementary or high school with. I really did not enjoy those years of my life as I am from a tiny town and just did not fit in!

Allysia said...

What a cute story! And the underwear thing is pretty priceless. :)

Except for a couple people, most of my close friends were people I met post-school, like my band. And they've all known each other since they were kids (and Logan too...pretty much everyone I know is from Weyburn! Strange). So sometimes I feel a little left out of all the history. At the same time, it's kind of nice that they don't know every little thing about me, ha ha!

Joss said...

omg looks like so much fun! And so creative :D That is awesome you are still friends with your childhood friends. Me? Not so much - I have a close group of friends from College and university :) Have fun at the wedding!

Baseball Themed Bachelorette Party said...

I love evryting about your blog. Keep up the good work.