Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I have had absolutely no appetite for the last few days.  The interesting thing about having a food blog is I was able to look back at my previous posts, as I remember losing my appetite some time last year.  Turns out it was around the same time of year as now, when the weather was starting to become spring-like.  I go from craving hearty meals to not really wanting to think about food.

The hubby made some trout yesterday and I roasted some mushrooms, zucchini and golden beets.  


I ended up leaving quite a bit on my plate as although it was delicious, I just wasn't interested.  Today for lunch I could barely finish a bowl of soup.  That tells me only one thing - hibernation time must be over!  

Do you find that your appetite changes with the seasons?   
Is it a mild change, or quite dramatic like mine?


Yelena said...

Yum- your dinner looks fabulous. Golden beets just taste better because of the color :)

My normal appetite usually gets lighter in the summer as well. Right now all bets are off!

Simply Life said...

ha, I don't think I EVER lose my appetite but what I crave definitely changes with the seasons!

Lisa's Yarns said...

I am having the opposite problem right now! I feel like I am going through a growth spurt at age 31 as I feel hungry all the time! I am not gaining weight (and am not over eating, really) so I am not too concerned about it. I do tend to crave food less when the temps warm up. Especially when it's hot - then I really tend to have no appetite and basically force myself to eat dinner because I know my body needs food..

That dinner looks delish!

Allysia said...

Ha ha, I'm not like that at all. :) Or at least I haven't really noticed patterns in my eating - I crave soups and stews all summer long, raw veggies have just as much appeal in the winter, and my appetite is always big! But who knows, maybe I just don't notice. But hibernation IS over, I'm sure - this week (especially the weekend) has been SO warm!

Anonymous said...

Mine also changes, but in more of the "I want colder foods" in the summer and warmer foods in the winter.

Kacy said...

I think I notice a mild change, but I'm almost always hungry. haha.

Anonymous said...

Your dinner looks delicous! I definitely have less of an appetite when the weather warms up. Is it weird that I am literally counting down the days until the farmer's market has all my favorite veggies back?

Fanta said...

Absolutely I lose my appetite when the sun is out and spring is in the air!! Unless I'm heading out to Korea house... then I got my appetite. he he

Ameena said...

I love beets! I've never cooked them though - they seem complicated?

My appetite sort of varies with my work schedule - which has nothing to do with the lack of seasons here in Los Angeles!

Anonymous said...

my appetite gets all sorts of messed up with the time change...dumb question but do you guys do that?