Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

From our house to yours ... Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas eve with my family, followed by a lovely, relaxing Christmas with the hubby's family.  We have had 2 turkey dinners, and delicious brunches, and now we are full, exhausted, and ready to sleep.

Check out this stocking stuffer I got today ...


Heck yeah!
(I wonder if it would be good in oatmeal??)

I hope you all had a magical Christmas, and that Santa was good to you.


Amber said...

Merry Christmas! Your hair is so pretty! :)

Eden said...

yes, shake it on some oatmeal!
You are so gorgeous! And you and chris are adorable!
Santa better be kind to me, although I can't say I was all that nice.....

Astrid said...

Merry Christmas to you as well, Jolene! Your hair looks absolutely gorgeous. And the bacon salt would be delicious on oatmeal.I would probably even mix it in with peanut butter and banana, too.

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

love the pics of you! you and your hubs are adorable together :)

and diggin your hair on the next one!

bacon salt...that is so you...enjoy it! :)

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! That plate full of food looks divine! Yum.

Santa was kind to me as well. I got a couple of gluten free cook books! I didn't own one before so am very excited about this!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, bacon salt. I could imagine that being good on hashbrowns too...

Good to hear you had a great Christmas! Hopefully Boxing Day is just as relaxing!

Anonymous said...

Awww Hope you had a GREAT christmas love!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww - such lovely pics, girl!
I can see you've had an amazing Christmas ;D
Hope you're having a great December 26th, too!

kacy said...

Look lovely. Merry Late Christmas :)

kris | said...

Your gorgeous!
look at those curs, i love them! It looks and sounds that your christmas was merry!!!


Jessica @ The Process of Healing said...

I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas!

Baking 'n' Books said...

Love it!

Beautiful hair too :)

Unknown said...

Oh.My.God. WHERE did you get the Bacon Salt. I must have this as a pantry staple asap.

Kelsey Ann said...

Awe Jolene! You really are effortlessly gorgeous!!

Christmas also looks very good on you ;) haha


sophia said...

Did you do something to your hair?! You look stunning, Jolene! And bacon salt! Ooh la la!!

Unknown said...

You are simply gorgeous!!! Love the pics and glad you had a very Merry Christmas! :)