Monday, July 18, 2011

Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Bacon Buttercream

If I am an expert in anything, I am an expert in procrastinating.

These cupcakes seemed like a pretty good way to procrastinate last week.  

Don't worry, I do always get my homework done on time.

Do you procrastinate?  
Are you practicing procrastination right now like I am by chance?

Hehe - I should totally be writing a 15 page paper right now ... oops.
My friend Vanessa procrastinates too.  It even says so under her blog title. 
Check out the facebook message she left me last night:

"I feel compelled to tell you that I am writing a blog post instead of my mini paper."

Bahahaha!  Great minds.


Unknown said...

And now I'm reading blogs instead of writing MY 15 page paper. Seriously....I have no idea how I have never handed in a paper late!

Good Luuuuuck!

Kacy said...

I'm procrastinating reading a really boring work document by reading blogs, setting up a reservation and emailing people :)

Ally's Sweet and Savory Eats said...

Recipe is needed for this one...yum!

Unknown said...

Seriously, I am always procrastinating. I tell myself that it is my way of de-stressing from work..LOL!
No matter wha that cupcake looks moist and delicious :)

Lisa's Yarns said...

I would probably do pretty much anything to put off writing a paper. I did not enjoy writing academic papers at all!

Now that I am done with school and all my exams for the year, I don't have much to procrastinate about anymore! Great feeling. :)

Anonymous said...

I use to be reallllllllly bad for it but now I'm only kind of bad.

But I'd probably do it a lot more if I had cupcakes of my own laying around!

Madeline- Greens and Jeans said...

I procrastinate ALL the time. I just tell myself that I work better under pressure...

Lisa said...

Those cupcakes look so delicious. I procrastinate all the time (thanks FB & Twitter!!).

:Deliciously Healthy said...

Those look heavenly!

I'M the WORST procrastinator!

Anonymous said...

I'm procrastinating right now - I have over 300 documents to upload and I'm blog writing/reading instead. That's much more fun than work!

Kris | said...

Haha!1 I sometimes procrastinate, but my goals are to get a lot of things done this I can't ;)

These cupcakes, seriously make me want one NOW!


Losing in the City said...

i'm supposed to be doing work that i brought home from the office, but i'm so not in the mood..totally procrastinating right now :-)