Thursday, July 21, 2011

Let the Summer Draaaaag On!

I have had a couple of pretty awesome breakfasts lately ... like this gigantic Denver sandwich, which I could only finish half of.  The runny egg was so good in it though.

I also have been having breakfast platters with fruit and yogurt.  The other day I had blueberries, a plum, an apricot and vanilla yogurt with PB.  

I still believe that vanilla yogurt and PB are a match made in heaven.  
You must try it.  Source vanilla yogurt is the best (I think).

Dinner this evening was something I remember eating as a kid.  
Meatballs in mushroom sauce on rice.  I served it with roasted zucchini.

In other news ...

Yesterday I did my last presentation and handed in my last paper for my summer class.  I had to show up today to watch others do their presentations, and same for Monday, but I am done all the work and can now relax.  This book can go onto the shelf until at least the fall:

No work + no school + no babies yet = 

No responsibilities for the rest of the summer.

Some things on the agenda for the rest of July and August include:
  • Celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary
  • Going on a road weekend road trip for the hubby to compete in another 1/2 Ironman (we will also shop, visit friends)
  • A Folk Festival (weekend long music festival) in our city
  • My sister's wedding
  • 10 days of camping with the hubby and a bunch of our closest friends
I hope the days draaaaaaag on!
What fun things are still on your agenda for the summer?


Mom on the Run said...

I am letting my days drag on as well! We will be celebrating our 7th year wedding anniversary as well. Enjoy
Your free time!

Kitchen Belleicious said...

meatballs in mushroom sauce, very very interesting. I love meatballs but never tried them this way. I will have to give it a stab soon

The Fajdich Times said...

Happy 7th Anniversary!! Have fun:)

Anonymous said...

Yay for no more work for the rest of the summer - that's gotta be one of the best feelings! I hope the days drag on for you too :)

Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty said...

YAY for having everything DONE!
We have no plans, as the weather here is CRAP... (well it's nice today but before that CRAP!)

Sounds like you have lots of fun stuff on your plate!!

Unknown said...

I am sooooo excited to have everything done! Now that summer is fiiinally here for us I don't ever want it to end!!

Unknown said...

Also....what it in your mushroom sauce? Is it just mushroom soup or is it a compilation of ingredients?

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! So happy for you - you DESERVE IT!! I hope you relax and I DEFINITELY hope the days drag out...we are getting a crazy heat wave here - but I love it :)

Kacy said...

That's exciting!
I still have a bbq this weekend, Atlantic City next weekend, a blogger day the next weekend, Philly a couple weekends later and then ending summer by going to Oklahoma for labor day!

sophia said...

I'm assuming the heat wave at the east coast has not hit Canada..Haha! I love summer too, but right now I'm in a slump as my internship comes to cease...

Anonymous said...

i forgot how good sauce and mushrooms are!! 7 years married? HOW DO YOU DO IT? hahah :) Summer=working working working!

Lisa's Yarns said...

You have lots of fun stuff ahead of you! I am looking forward to:

- A couple more weekends at my parents' cabin
- Hosting some bloggers here in Minneapolis in late August
- Going to the National Gymnastics competition in St. Paul in August

Lots of great stuff to look forward to!!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean baby making is on your agenda as well?! :-) Sounds like the month of August will be jam-packed and FUN for you guys! I hope mine will be the same... right now I'm focused to August long and how to cram as much fun as possible into that extra day off!

Amanda said...

Yes enjoy the free time to relax! Andy and I definitely have been.

That breakfast sandwich made my stomach growl. YUM!