omorrow is back to work day, after 10 days off. It is also back to eating normally time :-) I see a lot of veggies and fruits in my future.
Last night the hubby and I went out to celebrate a friend's b-day. I had a few drinks throughout the night, a couple pieces of bread, and chicken curry with rice:
This morning my dad took us out for brunch and I had a veggie skillet. It was HUGE, so I only ate about 1/2:
We spent the afternoon with our little nephew, running in the park and shopping for carry-on luggage. We realized after this past trip that we need carry-on luggage that rolls. Our shoulders were killing us after carrying around our heavy bags.
We had dinner at the hubby's parent's house. I had a small piece of lasagna, a piece of focaccia bread, and a bowl of spinach salad:
I am going to grab and orange and catch up on some TV with the hubby!
Tomorrow I will get back to training for my 5k (my poor legs need a rest from 7 days straight of walking in NY!!)
What is your philosophy for eating when on vacation?
My philosophy is to eat whatever I want, in moderation. I will have a taste of something, and if it is "worth it" I eat it. If it is mediocre, I pass on the rest. I get bored of food quite quickly and am very easily satisfied, so a bite or two of a treat is usually enough for me to be happy.
Good luck getting back into the swing of things with work. Just ignore the first few days and think of how fun vacation was to get through it!
I try to eat the same way on vacation as I do at home- if it's worth it, I'll have it. I am a little more lax when it comes to trying new foods, especially if I have no access to them at home, but I do things like eating breakfast in the hotel and only have one fancy drink a day.
That's my philosophy, too. I don't believe in dieting while traveling...hello? You spend so much money, you might as well live it up a little, instead of miserably chewing on lettuce (no dressing) while your companions chow down on good stuff.
I totally agree with your vacation philosphy..plus Glenn and I try to go places where it's "walking friendly" so that helps...UNFORT for me I think i conquered "eating while on vacation" but not "eating while at home" AHHHHH. Good luck with your training!
On vaca I like to try new and exciting things that I usually wouldn't have at home :)
Good luck with your back to school routine!!
I always eat and enjoy when on vacation but still try and make healthy choices and exercise, when possible!
If it was the old me it would be eat anything because I didn't care. The new me still is in turmoil because my brother's wedding is next weekend(24th) and I can't decide whether to watch things or not!
On holidays we eat and drink whatever we want - I never try to reign anything in as I always figure it's a once in a lifetime experience. We usually have one big splurge night where we might go to one of the best restaurants in a city or what have you too. I love holiday eating & drinking...so very enjoyable.
I am always really concious of what I put in my mouth, so that remains the same when on vacation. However, I DO allow myself more treats when on vacation, simply because I am more than likely more active (as in, walking EVERYWHERE haha)I still wont eat at fast food places like taco bell when on vacation because food like that makes me feel icky. If I cant get a salad at a fast food place, we look somewhere else
On holidays I'll try almost everything, and I'll eat most things. To be honest, I tend to throw the rule book out when I'm away and just eat whatever I want as often as I want. The only thing I stick to is how many meals I'll eat in a day and not eating when I'm full. It's a holiday, not a lifestyle, and besides, I usually do way more walking/swimming/etc when I'm on holiday than when I'm at home, so it all gets burned off. Eventually.
I love those salad bowls at your in-laws. So cute! Hope the first day back goes well!
When on vacation, I try to be mindful but at the same time, not pass up the good stuff!
I wish I could practice your philosophy on vacations! I tend to STUFF MY FACE and not eat in moderation at all :S
Also, got your gift card! Thanks so much! XO
I'm so depressed by people who diet on vacation. For me, the whole fun of a vacation is trying new things and mixing up your routine! I tend to be a very active vacationer too (hiking! shopping!) so I'm confident it all balances out.
Good vacation philosophy! I usually don't go for food I could have whenever, but will definitely go for foods I will never have a chance to eat anywhere else!
I have the same philosophy on vacation. I don't think you can truly experience another city, country, etc. unless you allow yourself to enjoy the food! And as long as you have a healthy lifestyle, it all balances out in the end! I mean who wants to pass up NYC bagels and cheesecake?! not this girl!
I'm very much like you. I eat what I want but in moderation. Sometimes I splurge a little but mainly it's getting savory eats in little bits and pieces so I don't feel deprived! I know you're not looking forward to getting back into the routine after 10 days of vacation but hopefully you'll have a smooth transition back into reality. I know how hard it is for sure!
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