Sunday, September 4, 2016

Busy Week

Wow - this past week went by quickly, but was pretty hectic.  I went back to work, and this time of year is always the busiest for me.  It takes a couple weeks to really get into the swing of things, and feel completely organized and with-it again.  Added to the busyness, Christopher and I did not sleep well all week, and felt very zombie-like.  We're still trying to catch up on sleep.

Over the past week we enjoyed some miso soup, which we made using the beef broth I had made.

We roasted a turkey ...

Then used the bones to make a stock to freeze, and ate the meat all week in sandwiches.

We fried up some beet perogies:

And BBQd salmon with cilantro potatoes and mushrooms:

My breakfasts all week were yogurt bowls:

Sometimes with a side of avocado toast:

On Thursday evening we celebrated our niece Charlotte's 2nd birthday, and then ducked out of the party early to go to Christopher's bands' show at a local cafe.  It was a loooong (but fun) Thursday.

We're so happy that it's a long weekend this weekend.  Yesterday morning we were up by 7:00 a.m., and out the door not long after.  We picked up tea and breakfast, and went to watch our nephew Giovanni's football games.  It was pretty chilly out, making us think that Fall is definitely on the way.  His team won both of their games.  After the games, we headed downtown to pick up veggies from the farmers' market.  We also snagged this poppy seed roll.

It was pretty dry.  Next time, I'll just do the baking around here ;-)

Christopher's parents were in England recently, and they brought us back these chips, that Christopher loooooved when he was in England many years ago.  I got to try them yesterday, and they are delicious:

We shared a club sandwich for lunch yesterday before heading to our buddy Mike's house to celebrate his birthday.

This morning we were up bright and early again.  We enjoyed a big breakfast with French toast, French toast flavoured sausage, and scrambled eggs.

Yesterday was our day to do stuff, but now we're not doing anything for the next two days, except chillin' out and relaxing together at home. 

Years ago I used to be go-go-go, and rarely stayed home on weekends.  I was an extrovert to the max.  Then my Christopher came along and really changed this for me; my desire to go out diminished, and nothing was as fun as spending time at home.  He has always preferred his own company, and doesn't really like going out (but, one the other hand, he is outgoing).  He's an outgoing introvert.  His energy levels are drained when around people, but replenish at home.  I never thought I'd be a convert to the hermit life, but I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Unless we're out of town, we don't really want to leave our house (much) #sorrynotsorry.  This is probably hard for some people to understand, but I bet there are some that completely get it.

How was your week?  Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?  Is it a long weekend where you are?  What are you up to this weekend?

1 comment:

Lisa's Yarns said...

I hope your 2 days of relaxing and not doing much are restorative for you guys and that you sleep better this week! I slept really poorly last week was I was on a high dose of steroids for my cough. It sucked to feel like crap but not be able to sleep! I resorted to taking benadryl because I just need my sleep so badly right now! But I need to stop taking that soon so I don't get hooked on it! #sickpersonproblems

I can completely understand why it's appealing to stay home. As you know, this is something I want/need to work on. I am definitely an introvert but I am an outgoing introvert. Phil is an extrovert but he is a shy extrovert. So neither of us are really 'tradition' introverts/extroverts. I actually would have never guessed that Phil is an extrovert because he can be quiet/reserved and he does NOT like attention AT ALL. But he does not like to spend time alone whereas I LOVE alone time!

This weekend we had a wedding at a lake resort in Northern MN. We came back yesterday and went to Phil's mom's for the day so he could do his weekly chores. She made dinner for us and we played yahtzee which was fun. Today will be a quiet day for us. Phil has asked that I lay on the couch and rest because I'm still not feeling well but I'm not great at relaxing so sometimes I need someone to give me permission to relax. So I will spend the day reading and if I am coughing less in the afternoon, we might go kayaking but we'll see.