Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mosaic and Other Things

Last week I had a bunch of veggies to use up.  I sautéed them in ginger and sesame oil, and added a bit of soy sauce and a touch of sake.  They were soooo good!  I'll have to remember to do this again.  I enjoyed them with some salmon

It was my dad's 72nd birthday on Thursday, so we went out to Teppanyaki to celebrate.  Christopher and I shared some sashimi to start, and then I had the lobster.

Mosaic, a cultural festival, was on in town this weekend.  On Friday evening we went to three pavilions, the First Nations, Scottish and Caribbean.  We shared a bit of food at each one ...

Indian Taco
Scotch Egg & Haggis (we only each had 2 bites of the haggis - it was awful).
Jerk Chicken with Corn Fritter thingy
We were home very early, but hit up a bunch more pavilions on Saturday, including:  Irish, Korean, Italian, Philippine, Chilean, and German.

The best food that we had all weekend was definitely at the Korean pavilion where we had bulgogi, and pageon.

We shared some spaghetti at the Italian pavilion, and some noodles and dessert at the Philippine pavilion.

I'm pretty tired today after a late night, but it was an awesome weekend!  

How was your weekend?  Do you have a cultural festival in your city?


Ameena said...

Happy Birthday to your dad! Our dads are just about the same age. :)

Kacy said...

Mmmm everything looks great! I've never had haggis though.
DC has a ton of cultural festivals, I don't take enough advantage of them I don't think.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your dad! My weekend was good - John finally started using the potty!

Lisa's Yarns said...

I am trying to get a handle on what festivals Charlotte has, but this weekend is Taste of Charlotte, so I will be checking that out!